Page 130 - Mercian Eagle 2014
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In June ten of our members paid the third visit to the Arboretum. Tony Baker made the short journey from Tamworth to meet up with them, and then he promptly tested the word comradeship by announcing he had forgotten to bring any money. While everyone was doing a disappearing act
he managed to grab Geoff Spurr and was subsidised for the afternoon.
The purpose of the day was to pay our respects to Cheshire comrades who gave
their lives in the service of the Regiment and our Country. Brian Payne laid the wreath and Phi Rowe said the Regimental Prayer. Later our members retired to the Alrewas British Legion where, once again all were treated to an excellent 3 course Sunday lunch. A tiring but satisfying day had been achieved.
Sergeant George Bush
The family of George Bush had requested representation from the CRA at George’s
funeral on 8th July. George served 20 years with B Company 2nd Battalion as a Vickers machine Gunner. Brian Payne and I were proud to parade the Tranmere Branch Standard and show our respect to George. We spoke to many of his family and I can report that they very much appreciated the CRA attendance. He was a great soldier.
J Cooney
                                Benevolent Fund. this being part of a 14 mile sponsored walk fund raising exercise around Ladybower Reservoir. Both the CRA and MVA benefited from this fund raising event held in August 2013.
Easter Sunday saw some of our branch members attend a ‘Lancashire’ day with our friends from the Ashton Old Comrade Association. Flat cap, waistcoat, Grandad Shirt, braces being the statuary dress code on that day.
Summer saw our Branch once again the guests of the Birkenhead Branch CRA in a bowls tournament with the hosts winning by 146-125 overall. Many thanks Ray Hogan for the day. We also attended the Annual Malaya Vets Reunion down at the Pelsall Labour Club with our friends of the Walsall Branch. A long way to go for a bag o’ fish and chips but it’s always good to meet up
with old comrades, swing the lights, pull up the sandbag and chat about old times, something we old veterans enjoy doing.
Our next big occasion was the Annual Armed Forces Day Dinner Dance where 140 guests were treated to a first class dinner and entertainment. Thanks mainly to the efforts of Paul and Hazel Lomas our organisers.
We had the honour of receiving an embroidered ‘sampler’ of our Regimental Badge from the daughter of 268104 Pte Frank Wright who embroidered it himself whilst laying in a Hospital Bed recovering from gunshot wounds to his thigh in 1917. Take a look on the wall of our Trustees Room next time you visit Stockport, you will be amazed.
August was busy too, starting with us taking part in a candle-lit walk on the
night of the 4th in Woodbank Park to commemorate the day and time that “The Lights went out over Europe” 100 years ago. A short event also took place at the Stockport War Memorial that evening.
At the end of the month, a number of
us travelled to Belgium for our 100th Anniversary Memorial Service and Parade at Mons where several of our members attended along with Standards.
The Mons Reunion in Chester was a splendid day out, with an invigorating march to the Cathedral Service behind the Mercian Regiment Band and soldiers from 2 MERCIAN, followed by a moving service in the Cathedral then part of an enormous procession back to Chester Castle. Some of us stayed for the Reunion Lunch at the Castle while others went to soak up the atmosphere of a warm and sunny Chester.
This year, members of the branch have travelled far and wide to reunions and events. Sadly too, we lost a member, Len Eyton who served in 1 CHESHIRE retiring in the 1980s as a Colour Sergeant. We were also pleased to accept a new member to the Branch – Steve Lowe who travelled down from Burton on Trent to our May meeting. He served from 1973 to 1992, mostly with the Signals.
At the beginning of May, 22 members boarded the coach for a wonderful day out in Llandudno for their annual Victorian extravaganza. Later that week we travelled
north to Chester for the race day, nobody actually lost their shirt, so it was deemed a success.
Most of our effort in the early part of
the year was directed to the organising
of the annual Malaya Singapore Reunion, which took place on 14th of June. We were pleased to welcome friends and comrades from all over the place and it seems that everyone had a good time, with many conversations starting with “Do you remember?”
To recover from the reunion, we took a day trip to Weston Super Mare on June
22nd for Armed Forces Day. At the end
of July we again went as a party of 30 to Gloucester Docks and later to Tewkesbury. It was a full, thoroughly enjoyable day, although very tiring. Both these events
were organised by our secretary Derek (Joe) Sadler, on top of all his other duties. Joe was awarded the Major General
Peter Martin Award at the CRA AGM in recognition of everything he has done for Walsall Branch and to make it an important part of the Branch network of the CRA. Well done.
Reg Smith
the TA Reserve and awarded the TD. John served over 12 years with the TA, mainly at Stockport.
He was OC at the time the Stockport Branch CRA was formed, after the Old Comrades Association stood down. Captain Bob Morton who had been the guiding light of the OCA and a veteran of St Julien handed over the reins to the present branch. John joined the Stockport Branch there and then. He has been President
and Vice President of the Branch for over 30 years. He was a life member. John was the longest serving member of The Trustees of the Stockport Armoury having
OBITUARY – Major John Holden TD
I lost a dear and close friend when John died on Monday the 2nd September 2013 after a long and brave battle against cancer. I knew John for 50 years. His integrity, expertise, commitment and friendship
will also be missed throughout the CRA, CRAMC and Stockport Branch in particular.
He was commissioned into the 7th Bn the Cheshire Regiment (TA) in the early 1960s and posted to C Coy at Hale. I had completed my National Service in 1952 and had signed on in the TA serving with
C Company. John had been commissioned at OCTU while at Loughborough where
he did his teaching degree. He had been
appointed to the staff at Altrincham Grammar School as the woodwork master, or so it was in my days at this school. John continued to serve with the 7th Bn with
a posting to Stockport and appointment as platoon commander of the Stalybridge detachment. Men who served with him
at Stalybridge are key members of the Stockport Branch today. When the 7th Bn was disbanded he served with the 4/7th Battalion Cadre until its disbandment. He was then posted to A Coy (Cheshire) the Mercian Volunteers based at The Armoury and went on to command the Company. At the end of his tour he was posted to

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