Page 31 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 31

                                 FROSTED BLADE 2013–14
On Friday 29 November 2013 6 pax from
1 MERCIAN, Ptes Dyson and Bunting, LCpls Bush and Kelly and Lts Peacock and Nicholls, deployed on Exercise FROSTED BLADE via 8 seater high top Transit van Leaving around 1130 hours (with a brief return to await a helmet delivery (which didn’t arrive) we made good time down
to Dover to board the 2100 hours ferry, along with a whole batch of Hilux’s and Transit vans. On leaving the ferry, there were problems in finding a petrol station which accepted the Agency card; in the end we had to use the emergency fund to refuel because nowhere would accept the card.
Other than this, the journey was uneventful and we arrived into Bourg-St- Maurice (the closest large town) for around 1100 hours on Saturday. We immediately did a large shop for the coming week and then drove approximately another 40 minute drive up to the resort of Val D’Isere. Our apartment was right in the centre of town which was very useful
for both the slopes and
the shops.
concentration and hard work, followed
by a short debrief from the instructor and then back to the top to start all over again. Whilst not a whole days skiing, the short period of time spent racing down the slope left all of us tired by the end of the day.
This period of gate training lasted a week, with the Wednesday off in the middle. Monday 16 Dec was the first time we had the opportunity to do a timed run, with
our personnel seeded at 37, 48, 72 and then 121, 122, 123. To a man, everyone both completed the run and improved or equalled their seeded place, leaving our seedings for Thursday’s timed run at 29, 37, 57, 65, 94 and 100.
Unfortunately on Friday 20 Dec Pte Bunting sustained a dislocated shoulder on piste. This was due to a snowfall the previous day, resulting in patches of thick, soft snow and alternate patches of ice. His injury was painful but not serious and was quickly rectified by Dr Alan Griffiths in
resort. Pte Bunting was informed he would not be able to ski again, and therefore the decision was taken to repatriate him back to the UK. After a lengthy discussion with the insurance company, they agreed to pay for
his return to the UK, and he returned to the UK on Monday 23 Dec.
The period from 22 to 27 Dec was a quieter period for the exercise, as several teams had personnel return to the UK over Christmas; we were lucky to return Pte Bunting with 1 LANCS, saving the cost of
a taxi transfer. This period was dominated by slalom training, and it was very beneficial to have the whole 1 MERCIAN team in attendance – these extra 5 days of training were invaluable and the training paid off during race week. Those teams who had personnel return to the UK did not do as well during race week.
Slalom training was very difficult. This was due to it being the most technical of the disciplines and due to the way the training
Not all training went swimmingly and there were a few falls, crashes and face plants
  After moving into
the apartment and
then coming under
the control of the
exercise we were
free for the evening
and the following
day. On Sunday 1 Dec we received our
skis courtesy of Snowberry and took our
3 novices onto the nursery slopes for a couple of hours to show them the basics
of skiing, such as how to snowplough turn and skate. Monday was our first full day
of skiing, split into groups of 8 based on previous experience. As a team we had 3 pax split between groups 4, 6 and 8, and then 3 in group 12. The first five days were made up of a half day of lessons and then time for our own free ski, honing techniques taught in the lessons. That weekend was the first introduction to Giant Slalom gates for the advanced groups, with the novices continuing to improve their techniques. Gate training took place on the Val D’Isere glacier, and consisted of a quick burst of intense
Pte Nick Horvarth (left) and Lt Christopher Bermingham (right) before the slalom race; team captain’s don’t always lead from the front as this picture clearly shows.
Unfortunately on Friday 20 Dec Pte Bunting sustained a dislocated shoulder on piste.
     Pte Paul Etherington competing in the Infantry Giant Slalom 2nd race
    Pte Nick Horvath competing in the Infantry Giant
Slalom Seeding Race
Pte Dale King the Infantry overall Combination Silver Medallist in the Junior Class,
competing in the Infantry Downhill Race.

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