Page 33 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 33

                                Inter Company Boxing – 21 May 2014 Lt Elliott B (Malta) Coy
After six weeks of intense training the 21 May 2014 saw 1 MERCIAN hosting an inter Company boxing night.
The boxers had put in six weeks of gruelling preparation in order to meet the standard to be allowed to fight; weeks of sprinting, circuits, technique and most importantly being in the ring.
On the night the guests started arriving about 1800. Pte Derby who unfortunately wasn’t going to be fighting this year,
was outside to greet the General Officer Commanding 3 (UK) Division and his staff as they arrived. Brigadier Williams, Colonel of the Regiment was in attendance, as were the Page 3 Sun girls, cementing the Regiment’s proud links to that newspaper. The first bout was between Pte Young of B (Malta) Company and Sgt Pyewell from C Company. Pte Young won and has now been selected to join the army boxing squad in Aldershot.
The fourth bout saw the only officer of
the night, Lt Elliott from B (Malta) Company, fighting against Pte Stockton from
C Company. Although certainly not the most skilful fight of the night it did end with the surprise of Lt Elliott winning, breaking from the usual custom of the officer losing.
Pte Hellings QGM from B (Malta) Company was up against Pte Lee SPS. The heaviest fight of the night and certainly one of the hardest hitting. The two fighters came out of the corners with a flurry of punches and managed to keep this pace up for the whole of the first round. The crowd was certain that the two heavy weights must
Lt Elliott, B (Malta) Company (Red) in the ring with Pte Stockton, C Company
Both teams with Major General Cowan, Lt Col Ellwood MBE and Regimental Sergeant Major Page in the background
  be exhausted by now but they defied everyone’s expectations by landing more and even heavier punches in the second and third rounds. The crowd couldn’t believe the amount of pain the boxers were sustaining and yet still managing to keep fighting. Pte Hellings QGM came out of the fight victorious.
The trophies were handed out by Major- General Cowan and after this the boxers moved to the Sergeants’ mess to enjoy a few well deserved drinks.
The long weeks of preparation paid off and on the night each of the boxers was able to put on a good spectacle for their fellow soldiers and the guests to enjoy.
Pte Hellings QGM, B (Malta) Company in the ring with Pte Lee SPS
The ring girls
            The officers’ mess seated and ready to watch the boxing
The red team and Major Grover MBE, graciously agree to let the Sun models have a photo with them

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