Page 35 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 35

                                The Quartermaster, the newly promoted Major Matt Bard, worked tirelessly and ever longer hours ensuring that the camp was configured correctly and pushing Army Headquarters to hand over the vehicles
in time for the companies to commence training. Credit goes to the new REME Light Aide Detachment who, initially led by SSgt Waters, grafted in repairing the fighting vehicles that had suffered years of neglect.
ably by Sgt Robbie Redpath had the most difficult task of nudging the overstretched housing system into delivering the bare minimum to our often overlooked families. It is with regret that the wider system often let the families down. Both Ryan and Robbie fought hard against an often uncaring organisation. That the Battalion has generated such a strong family atmosphere so quickly is entirely down to these two stalwarts.
Meanwhile critical previous experiences were called upon to
Sgt Wright and the ever cheerful Cpl ‘Putty’ Putman. All leaned into the task of hammering eager Mercians into armoured fighting vehicle crew qualifications. It fell
to Major Damian Bailey to plan out the year’s collective training system and give much needed advice to the Commanding Officer, the Company Commanders, and in particular the Senior Major.
On 25 August 2014, the new 1st Battalion paraded for the first time.
We needed to shape the platoons and companies ready for training. Individuals had to quickly get to know one another
as the enormous task of building a new capability loomed. The team has come together in a pragmatic and determined way. Extremely professional leaders, at all levels, have seized the initiative, getting to grips with all of the activity necessary to generate a unit. Progress is being made every day, but only as a result of long hours and considerable effort. Through it all, the trade mark Mercian humour remains intact and cutting wit is heard on hourly basis in every corner of this industrious organisation.
  At the end of June, the 3rd Battalion completed its marches through Staffordshire commemorating their
return from Afghanistan
and poignantly marking
an end to that unit’s
activities. The ranks
were greeted by their
new Commanding
Officer, Lieutenant
Colonel Mark Ellwood
MBE in Swynerton
Camp. He had the
opportunity to offer
a welcome to them and explain how
they would form the nucleus of this new endeavour.
July and August saw the move of the bulk of the families from Catterick, Belfast and Fallingbostel. The Unit Welfare Officer Captain Ryan Lavercombe supported
generate a training plan. Initially Captain Chris Groves, working from the Land Warfare School, sketched a programme alongside the Operations Officer, Captain Si Pollitt. They were soon joined
by Captains Trucker
Middleton and Matt Teasdale, fresh from the Op HERRICK
armoured infantry company, suspending their leave in order to bring their experience of shaping a subunit under a time pressure. The Battalion was extremely lucky to
have experienced characters join the training wing: particularly WO2 Bennett,
 That the Battalion has generated such a strong family atmosphere so quickly is entirely down to these two stalwarts.
     1st Battalion Rededicates the Memorial to the Fallen outside of Picton Barracks Battalion Headquarters

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