Page 61 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 61

                                  Dismounts move to search a compound
experience of KRYPTONITE 20, SAF and RPG on the PB itself and two contact IEDs onto KRYPTONITE C/S; thankfully, there were no ANSF or ISAF casualties.
The Coy then spent six weeks de- integrating the TES-H Warriors (removing the additional armour, the ECM suite etc) and washing them down to the standards required of the TERS. Whilst not the
most exciting element of the tour, the professionalism displayed during kinetic actions was equally prevalent to ensure proof of good order, both during the closure of PB LKD and in redeploying the vehicle fleet to the UK.
HERRICK 18/19 was the final deployment by A Coy, 3 MERCIAN, before it is disbanded under A2020. Both the men and women
of 3 MERCIAN and the numerous attached
The Patrol Base Lashkar Gar Durai operations room after a spell of bad weather
arms can be extremely proud of what they achieved protecting ISAF and supporting
the ANSF as they prepared to assume
full responsibility for security in Helmand. Throughout the eight month tour the Coy
Gp deployed on over 30 operations across the entirety of the TFH AO for a total of 85 days, covering 31,944 track kilometres in
the process (over 3⁄4 of the circumference of the globe). The REME Fitter Section were herculean in their efforts to keep the fleet on the road, conducting 75 power pack lifts and 25 turret lifts and the entire team returned to the UK with the highest of reputations having completed the TERS process for 24 AFVs and 17 B vehicle platforms. The experiences gained by the HERRICK 18/19 AI Coy will
be invaluable as the new 1 and 2 MERCIAN form in summer 2014.
Wellington boots are standard issue
            Gereshk on market day
A Coy returning from an out of area strike operation in KAMPARAK
Supporting ANA offensive operations

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