Page 67 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 67

                                Rear Operations Group
ROG Sgt Maj
Unit Welfare Officer Capt Travis
   On 24 June 2013 the Rear Operations Group (ROG) was formed, bringing together several elements from the Battalion, it
was formed with the key task of providing support to Op HERRICK 19 and providing support to the the families of the deployed element. The deployment of the Battalion was stretched out over a three month period, the recover of the battalion at the end of HERRICK 19 was stretched over
a similar 3 Months. With elements of the Battalion completing a 9 month tour and having a very narrow 3 week window between returning from tour and the Battalion Disbanding.
In addition to the support to operations the ROG has had the task of running the drawdown from Lumsden Barracks as part of the Army 2020 plan, this is part
of the wider 7 Brigade draw down, with
3 MERCIAN being the first major unit to
leave. The substantial task of planning
for and executing the reorganisation of
3 MERCIAN into the new 1 and 2 MERCIAN structure fell to the ROG, to allow the deployed element to focus on operations.
However it was clear there were still plenty of opportunities within Germany for the ROG, hence we were able to achieve the following:
• Competing in the Cambrian Patrol. (And
winning a hard earned bronze medal) • Competing in Exercise Frosted Blade.
(Taking several soldiers from zero to hero
in skiing)
• A battlefield tour to Ypres. • Rugby
Early on in the formation of ROG it was decided to have a foothold in the UK,
this was to mitigate against the difficult
of support to families in the UK and to assist with any individuals returning from Operations who flew direct to the UK. Sgt Macpherson was selected for this role. He worked with Cpl Tabberer and between the two of them they have supported countless events in the UK. Working out of RHQ in Lichfield. Countless airport runs, visits to injured and sick soldiers, endless provision of support to the ROG. This 2 man team worked around the clock for 12 months to support the Battalion.
Key Events
It is traditional each Christmas for the Officers mess to play the Warrant Officers and Sgt Mess at Rugby, due to the tour this was impractical, so in its place we played a Private soldier vs Rank game. A fantastic turn out ensured a close fought match, with a few players trying rugby for the very first time. More than one or two players were brought out of retirement for this game. The result a fantastic victory for the Rank team 27-9.
Ypres Battlefield Tour
In February a small group from the ROG went on a Battlefield tour to Ypres. The significance of taking a Mercian Battalion
to the site of such a significant World War One Battlefield and the origin of The Wipers Times, was not lost on us. In a short two day period we managed to squeeze in
3 MERCIAN ROG Battlefield tour of the Ypres and Somme Battlefields. Paying respect to those that gave their live almost 100 years ago. Places visited included
the Menin Gate, Tyne Cot Cemetery, Thievpal Memorial, Hill 62, Ypres, The Ulster Tower, Lochnagar Crater, Delville Wood, The Langemark German War Cemetery, Fromelles, amongst others.. The grim weather encountered only served to highlight the sombre nature of the sites visited.
Det Comd
Capt Willock Capt Docherty Capt Stockham
Maj Jerome WO2 Flint
Capt Odell
Capt Triandafilou Maj Rees
                                THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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