Page 75 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 75

                                A (Fusilier) Company
Maj AP Comery Capt FE Young MBE Capt S Hopkinson RLJ Heywood
LA Jones
SM McGarr
WD Henry
Sgt AJ Gorin
    It has been another frantic and demanding year at A (Fusilier) Company, 4 MERCIAN. Over the last 12 months we have continued to supply enthusiastic and well-trained soldiers on all tasks and Operations (Ops) involving the Army Reserve. CSgt Henry and Cpl Matthews returned to Uganda as part of the Short Term Training Team (STTT); several members of the team were involved in Op Pitch Pole. LCpl Thorne and Fusiliers Buchanan, Knight, Pithie
and Simox represented the Company on Op Comet in support of the Commonwealth Games. If this was not enough, we are also readying ourselves to mobilise 15 members of the company on Op Tosca in support of 2 MERCIAN.
Since the last edition of The Mercian Eagle, four individuals have attended CIC and have successfully joined the Fusilier/Mercian family. Recruiting continues to dish up its issues; numbers are looking good, with 22 possible recruits at different stages of the process. The retention of these recruits is maintained by imaginative training, challenging fitness activities and the introduction of Look at Life (LAL) weekends. These have included field craft and military skill weekends and with A (Fusilier) Company hosting the Adventurous training weekend.
In November, Soldiers and Officers from A Company formed up
in Birmingham City Centre to remember those who have sacrificed themselves for their Country. Hundreds of Reservists and thousands of spectators proudly stood in their home city at the annual Remembrance Parade. The solidarity and importance of such an event caught the imagination of Fus Choudhury who subsequently wrote a poem about his experience of the event.
Future Recruits on Look at Life weekend, Swynnerton, May 2014
I was part of Remembrance Parade.
Trousers ironed, a new smock, hackle and shaped beret.
I looked the part as I stood in Birmingham’s streets.
The autumn sun shined brightly,
Amidst the hard fought calm and serenity.
I stood alongside men and women who have fought and defended
this country.
They fought yesterday so today we can sleep,
And live in a democracy with freedom and equality. They fought yesterday so today we can eat,
And live happily and pursue our dreams.
They are fighting today so we can defeat
The cancer of terrorism which has spread to our streets.
So you can understand why
I didn’t feel I had truly earned my place,
To stand amongst men and women who had fought
And died with honour and grace.
They had fought in many continents across many seas, Throughout the course of history,
To give us the life we live today – one of peace and dignity.
That’s why I thank God – I’m in the British Infantry. In the heart of the battle – I am primed and ready, Now I can only train and hope for the opportunity, So that the next time I’m in remembrance parade I truly feel part of this noble history.

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