Page 74 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 74

                                  THE MERCIAN EAGLE
Commanding Officer’s Foreword
During 2014, 4 MERCIAN has continued
to implement the major changes to the Reserve Army that were announced in 2013 whilst continuing to support operations
and recruit, train and retain our volunteer reserves.
In April, we bade farewell to E (Rifles) Coy, who re-subordinated to 7 RIFLES. E Coy has played a strong part in the life of the West Midlands Regiment and 4 MERCIAN, and we wish them well. April also marked our formal return to Nottingham, where
C (Kohima) Company relocated from Mansfield. Mansfield remains a vibrant outstation of C (Kohima) Coy and its future is fully confirmed under FR20.
Over the course of Spring, 4 MERCIAN submitted a paper to CLF requesting
the reinstatement of our B (Malta) Coy (Widnes and Stockport) and our locations in Burton on Trent and Kidderminster. The very final ruling on these submissions is awaited; however all indications are that these locations will survive beyond 2018, subject to achieving
transferring. We are not complacent and there is much to do to further develop our ‘recruiting machine’ so that we can be effective and efficient without impacting on our wider programme. We can only achieve our 2019 target if we recruit and retain simultaneously.
In March the Bn’s possible commitment to OP HERRICK 20 was formally rescinded. This marks a significant milestone and the end of our continuous commitment to OPs FINGLE, TELIC and HERRICK. Maj Nick Clarke, remains deployed in Afghanistan, however, as a mentor at the ANA Officer Academy. Having supported OP TOSCA in 2013, the Bn has just mobilised a further
42 soldiers for deployment on OP TOSCA with 2 MERCIAN. 4 MERCIAN continues
as one of the most mobilised reserve units. Underpinning the point that, of all reservists, the Heart of England’s Reserve Infantrymen is amongst the most willing to volunteer for operations.
We continue to support wider operations by providing a Short
full manning. This
is a reasonable and achievable test and one that all Army Reserve sub-units are effectively subject to. Once this is confirmed, all locations can look to the future and properly focus of recruiting and retention.
We continue to support wider operations by providing a Short Term Training Team to Uganda.
Term Training Team to Uganda. Now on our fourth deployment,
4 MERCIAN is building deep expertise and
a strong relationship with the UPDF. Our
last deployment was rated as the best UPDT STTT to date by the UK
As part of Army 2020, 4 MERCIAN
has now re-subordinated to 42 (Infantry) Brigade, where we join our paired battalion, 2 MERCIAN. We do retain a link with 143 (West Midlands) Brigade for recruiting and ‘firm base’ activity as the Bn HQ is situated in the Brigade’s area.
Op FORTIFY, the Army’s recruiting campaign for the Reserves is rarely out of the media. 2014 has presented a number of well-documented obstacles to recruitment; however, the technical glitches and other impediments are being removed. Although the process is not perfect it is significantly better with still more improvement to come. The good news is that the recruiting climate is positive; the Bn has achieved an output from Catterick that is better than 2 thirds
of the reserve infantry and is the third best-manned reserve infantry battalion.
One area of notable success is our Regular to Reserves programme. This offers a significant financial incentive for soldiers transferring into the reserve on retirement. We have reaped a real benefit with officers, highly qualified SNCOs and junior ranks
Defence Attaché. We have also contributed to 3 other STTTs this year and deploy to Uganda again in December 2014.
2014 has seen the start of paired training with 2 MERCIAN. In particular, the 2 Mortar platoons are training together almost every week and B (Malta) Coy has started to conduct mid-week training at the Dale. In the future, we intend to use the Dale to host pre-ITC training and A (Grenadier) Coy 2 MERCIAN will support us on our annual training period and our next STTT.
Look forwarding forward for 12 months, our main focus will be continue recruiting and building our trained strength, we will continue to provide up to two STTTs a year and will conduct a PNCO’s Cadre in Cyprus with 2 MERCIAN as well as a Camp for the Mercian Band. August will see us holding an Overseas Training Exercise in Croatia with a focus on jungle / forest warfare before our training main effort of supporting 2 MERCIAN with a rifle company in Kenya in Autumn.

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