Page 78 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 78

 OC Maj Chris Massingham PSAO Capt James Stewart 2IC Capt Mark Polgase CSM CSgt Martin Simcox SPSI WO2 Paul Barnett CQMS(V) CSgt Jay Hill
QPSI SSgt Ian Brown
                                that his drills could be improved. The only remaining concern of the weekend was finding someone else to replace 2Lt Highet as the driver of the OC’s bus.
Beyond the ACMT weekend the Mortars Platoon continued to focus on developing individual skills, with the intention of running a second firing camp later in the year as part of Ex BRACED EAGLE and the cultivation
of joint training with 2 MERCIAN Mortars Platoon now based locally in Chester.
As a departure from the norm, a number of members of the Company assisted the OC in the running of a bushcraft-based
look at life (LAL) weekend for the pipeline recruits. Hosted by the Company’s very own cut-price Ray Mears, those who attended were taken through the process of wild country (Nesscliff) fire lighting and shelter construction culminating in the recruits putting their shelters to the test; it was at this point that the OC realised that he had spent so much time with everyone else
that his shelter was left to the last minute. Luckily it didn’t rain.
The importance of the social aspect
of the Reserves has not been missed
within the Company. Cpl Wood should
be commended on running an excellent Christmas Party which was enjoyed by all of those who attended, including, pleasantly,
a large proportion of ‘significant others’.
At a number of other times throughout
the training year the Company has come together socially following training to
strengthen the bond, normally through some form of competitive social function.
B Company has played its part in supporting operations throughout the year. In spring we welcomed back LCpls Truscot, McKevitt and Sleeman and Ptes Whittle, Peterson and Lam as our first batch of
Op TOSCA veterans; and as I type this
we are in the process of mobilising Cpl Simpson and Pte Mounkley to support
the forthcoming
2 MERCIAN tour.
As with any year there are a number of announcements to be made. We bade a fond farewell to WO2 Johnston who had served successfully as CSM for a number of years. He hasn’t gone far, as he has moved to the Medics at Stockport. Having nurtured the Mortars Platoon as if they were his children, CSgt Woolley has moved on
to a WO post at Bovington; we wish him well and warmly welcome his replacement,
 C (Kohima) Company
Finally, and fittingly,
the Company has
played its part in
remembering those
who have gone before
us. Remembrance
weekend is always a
solemn occasion but
it is also one in which
the Company is able to remind the residents of both Widnes and Stockport that as well as commemorating those who have been lost we are still very much part of the local community and a part that continues to serve. The activities commemorating the start of the First World War have already seen members of the Company parading through the streets of Stockport and committed to speaking to children in local schools. I am sure that we will continue to do ourselves and the cap badge proud in what promises to be more activity in the same vein.
CSgt Weaver
from 2 MERCIAN.
All members of
the Company also send their best of wishes to LCpls Sleeman and Myles who departed the Company to join the Commissioning course at the Royal Military Academy,
Sandhurst. A number of individuals are due our warmest congratulations. WO2 Warren Peckitt got married and to show his warrior spirit headed off on honeymoon to Wales: (you’ve got a peach there, Mrs P). Finally LCpl Delaney, Capper and Manton were
all awarded their first stripe which they had worked very hard to achieve.
As OC it has yet again been an enjoyable period of training with the Company. I look forward to some adventure training followed by a period of progressive training to cement the progress already made.
Finally, and fittingly, the Company has played its part in remembering those who have gone before us.
       This last year has been a definite year of change and of new beginnings for C Company.
After welcoming back ten members of the Company in November, who deployed to Cyprus earlier in 2013 as
part of 4 MERCIAN’s contingent to OP TOSCA, training very much resided back with the Company – giving us the much- needed chance to reform back together as a Company and enjoy such key weekends as Remembrance. C and F Companies
also squared up against each other over the Christmas Weekend in a good friendly force-on-force paintballing match – in which, after much ‘blue on blue’ action from F Company, C Company duly emerged victorious!
Early 2014 saw the end of the training year and the usual MATTs sweep up,
but it also saw preparations step up for the Company’s imminent move to its new Reserve Centre in Nottingham.
This happened on 1st April and saw
C Company move to Bulwell, taking over the Reserve Centre there from 307 Bty (South Notts Hussars), 100 Regiment Royal Artillery after they were put in suspended animation as part of FR 2020. Our first
Drill Night in Bulwell was marked with an opening ceremony and saw the OC; with his appalling drill; shake hands with the old Battery Commander, Maj Waldron-Lynch and welcome twelve members of the former 307 Battery who transferred into
 C Company pause for a unit picture from our Remembrance Parade last year, 10th November 2013

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