Page 79 - Mercian Eagle 2014
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                                C Company. We now start the process of converting them over to infantry training and reminding them what an SA80 Rifle and a shell-scrape actually looks like! Company HQ, Alma and Badajoz Platoons have
the challenge of building up Bulwell, while Gheluvelt Platoon looks to maintain our old location in Mansfield. Certainly, our being split over two locations has brought up some new and interesting challenges that the Company has not experienced before, giving us some insight and sympathy for the other Companies in 4 MERCIAN who have had to put up with this for years.
April also saw Maj Massingham and
a small team of C Company personnel, including CSgt Coulson, CSgt Hill, CSgt Walker and Cpl Henshaw, head out again to Uganda as part of the 4 MERCIAN-led Short Term Training Team (STTT) there. By all reports it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience that should be tried by anyone who hasn’t gone yet.
Recruiting has remained a high priority this year, as always, and huge strides have been made by our recruiting team to raise the number of potential recruits we have joining. Open days and recruiting events
are now everywhere you turn, it seems, as we push to meet FR 2020. A huge “thanks” must go to CSgt Hill, CSgt Walker and the rest of the Company recruiting team for their efforts this past year.
The new training year brought a different focus for the Company, with transition training taking place to build up to a live firing annual exercise in September at Sennybridge. It was pleasing to get back to basics and concentrate on the core infantry skills of shooting and marksmanship training – although it did throw up a few surprises with Pte Price (one of our Company Chefs) proving to be one of the best shots in
the Battalion with the UGL – much to the frustration of Cpl Henshaw!
This year’s annual pilgrimage to the Crich Memorial was extra-special for C Company, with 4 MERCIAN’s Colour Party being made up from predominantly C Company personnel. Lt Watts and 2Lt Moulding
On parade, C Company welcomes its new members as soldiers of the former 307 Bty South Notts Hussars parade with us for the first time, 1st April 2014
 carried the Queen’s and Regimental Colours respectively, while CSgt Coulson and CSgt Walker acted as escorts, this
was an extra-special moment given that
it was the last time all four Battalions’ Colours would be paraded together; they will certainly remember the occasion, and have represented both the Company and the Battalion superbly well. A big “thank you” also has to go to WO2 (CSM) Simcox, CSgt Brown and the Company’s soldiers who once again supported the weekend by undertaking the onerous job of setting up all the various tents and facilities that makes Crich run so smoothly each year.
This year has also been a time to bid farewell. In September 2014 we say goodbye to several key members of
the Company. Firstly, the OC Maj Chris Massingham and former 2IC Capt Mark Polglase who are both departing to deploy with 2 MERCIAN on Op TOSCA.
C Company wishes them all the best for the tour and for the future. We also say goodbye to WO2 Paul ‘Barney’ Barnett who after serving with C Company twice now as SPSI departs for a brief stint with 1 MERCIAN before the scary world of ‘civvy street’. C Company owes a massive
thank you to Barney for all his tireless work over the last few years, and he is certainly a character that will be missed. WO2 Lovell who joins us from 3 MERCIAN after completing a posting with OPTAG is set with the challenge of taking over as SPSI and replacing Barney’s rather big shoes.
2Lt Dan ‘Drop the Mag’ Lovegrove as well as 2Lt Will Moore also depart to start the Regular Sandhurst Commissioning course in September and we wish them
all the best of luck for their future careers. Finally, congratulations go to our newly commissioned subaltern, 2Lt Seb Sansom, who after successfully completing the Reserve Army Commissioning Course in August is now fully qualified in how to use hot water and make the OC a brew on
call! He is set to take over Badajoz Pl from 2Lt Moore in late August.
The remainder of 2014 and further ahead
 into 2015
looks set to be an interesting period for the Company, as it continues to adapt to its ever- changing surroundings and prepares to meet the forthcoming challenges whatever they may be.
(L-R) CSgt Walker, WO2 Harding (HQ Coy), Lt Watts, 2Lt Moulding, WO1 (RSM) Aley and CSgt Coulson form 4 MERCIAN’s Colour Party at Crich,. 6th July 2014

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