Page 102 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 102
SSgt (SSI) L Spires RAPTC
1PARA is a unique unit with lots of opportunities to get away and meet new challenges, based in sunny South Wales near Barry and Cardiff. Over the last year we have been
extremely busy with back-to-back deployments and exercises, meaning trying to find space to have some downtime, fun and enjoyment has been quite challenging.
However, over the winter period, we were able to get some adventurous training back in the programme and 20 personnel from across the unit deployed on the Parachute Regiment Ski Trip to France. This saw all personnel come back with basic skiing qualifications.
The Commanding Officer’s Cup has been reinstated and has been extremely well supported within the unit. Event one saw each Coy provide a team of 20 pax and head to the gym for a cheeky challenge. The events were all conducted in a weighted vest and were as follows:
2km best effort run
2000 calorie Air Bike
Max rep deadlifts at 100kg
40 sync burpees
40 sync thrusters with 100kg log 400m best effort log run
20km row
1000 wall balls.
In a closely fought contest, HQ Coy came out on top and were crowned the winners.
We are now looking forward to a busy summer and welcoming in a new RAPTCI towards the end of the year as the end of my time in the Regular Army is fast approaching.
3R WELSH have embraced all the recent changes with PD into the Reserve space. They have been busy preparing and testing for both the SCR and RFT(S). For many individuals
this was their first experience of the new format, due to COVID 19 restrictions the previous training year and the limited opportunities to conduct face-to-face training. The Unit have exploited the use of Regular training establishments facilities, such as 1 R Irish and more recently Pirbright whilst the Unit were on their Annual Continuous Training (ACT) at Longmoor Camp.
The Unit, guided by the extremely experienced UATO, Maj Laing, have invested heavily in predominantly UK-based AT this year, again due to restrictions. This has taken the form of Mountain biking, kayaking and hill walking exercises, one exercise of note was Ex DRAGON PHOENIX, this was a mountain biking exercise that included the Black Mountain Blitz which covered 55km with 2000m of ascent. We are ending the year on a high, buy taking 50 individuals on two skiing expeditions in March 2022.
Casualty drag on RFT(S)
Casualty extraction on RFT(S)
The Black Mountain blitz