Page 103 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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 At the time of writing, having only been in role for 5 weeks, I can honestly say that so far, this is a fantastic place to be! As a brief overview, Initial Training Group (ITG) is the 1* Op Gp that delivers relevant, progressive, challenging and safe Basic Training (BT) for Regular and Reserve soldiers, facilitating their successful transition to Initial Trade Training (ITT). Through Values Based Leadership by inspirational Permanent Staff, we lay the foundations of military character in our Soldiers under Training. Throughout BT, we equip our Soldiers with an instinctive adherence to the Army’s Core Values and a corresponding ability for ‘doing the right thing on a difficult day’.
As the SMI for PD across the Op Gp, my role is to support the staff who deliver a PD output within the Reg (Pirbright, Winchester & Harrogate) and Res (6 regional Army Training Units (ATUs)) space, and offer a link from Unit level, up to the 2* Fmn (HQ ARITC).
As is always the case, training is an ever-evolving mechanism, and to witness what our RAPTCIs and AAPTIs are delivering really does leave a lasting impression of success, decency, and genuine quality that our people deliver day in, day out. I’ll leave it to the team to explain their journeys over the past 12 months.
WO1 (SMI) R Harnden RAPTC
 Throughout the last twelve months, the Soldier Development Wing (SDW) has continued to deliver Type 1 Adventurous Training to recruits at Army Training Centre Pirbright and Army Training Regiment Winchester.
As we have all been experiencing, Covid provided us with additional challenges and certainly sent us come curveballs, but as we so naturally do, we improvised, adapted and overcame these challenges. The Covid environment and adaptability required in order to operate, provided us with a natural opportunity to highlight to our civilian contractors who deliver our training, just some of the essential skills learnt, obtained and required by service men and women, regardless of rank.
The Wing has seen plenty of changes over the last year with a new OC, Chief Instructor, Training Co-ordinator and recently the retirement of our SO3 G4. Our RAPTC presence has doubled with a PID change and the addition of SSgt Spencer to the team. This addition has had a huge positive and professional effect and has really highlighted the high calibre of SNCOs we have in the Corps. The next year will see the Wing developing more still, with plans to increase output and champion Adventurous Training throughout ITG and support Permanent Staff AT, it will be another busy but extremely rewarding time ahead.
As a Wing, we massively appreciate and would like to thank SSgt Gemma Spencer for her high level of professionalism, absolute vigilance, attention to detail, drive and motivation; an unquantifiable asset to the team!
Army Training Regiment Winchester is an extremely busy, Basic Training establishment in Hampshire, South England. Whilst the principal aim is to deliver the Common Military Syllabus Standard Entry (CMS-21 SE) to Non-Ground Close Combat (Non-GCC) Recruits, there has also been a key emphasis to reinvigorate Sport and AT opportunities. What’s more, there has been a significant change to the P&RTC team and a HO between Capt (MAA) Al Harris and Capt (MAA) James Marke. Providing ‘close support’ is WO2 (QMSI) Si Ward and the team of four Sergeant Instructors: Nick Cawley, Connor Westgate, Matt Dalton and Rob Suttill. Completing the team there are 15 AAPTIs and 3 Civil Servant SIOs.
Sporting Achievements. ATR (W) has had a strong year accomplishing success in a myriad of sporting fixtures / events at Unit and Army level. We have a talented cohort of sports personnel who have continued to succeed in team and individual sports. The Regimental Football Team (Central Prem) continued their success with victories in the Army Minor Units Cup and Southern League. The Regiment triumphed in Athletics, finishing as Runners up in the Army Championships. To add; ATR Winchester had notable success in British Army Warrior Fitness, with 4 members of the Regiment finishing in the top 10 of their Category during the BAWF open. Success has continued with the ATR (W) Female and Male teams finishing 2nd & 3rd at the first BAWF team competition
ATR (W) P&RTC Staff Photo Apr-Dec 21
of the season, held at ATR (W). The success of the Regiments sporting activity is, without doubt, down to the commitment of the AAPTIs’ and RAPTCIs.’ Sports participation is encouraged and supported by the CoC, with PS having many opportunities and the time to represent. The message this promotes to Recruits is positive, highlighting the numerous opportunities available to them post Basic Training.
Sgt (SI) N Cawley RAPTC

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