Page 109 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Sgt (SI) R Davies RAPTC
  Sgt (SI) Davies opening address to all competitors BAWF South Event 2
On the 26 Jan 22 saw the second UK BAWF event take place at ATC (P). The competition was held at ATC (P) and hosted by Sgt (SI) Davies RAPTC and his team of AAPTIs. The
competition saw a total of 6 Female teams, 6 Male Masters teams
BAWF South event 2 Winners
and 12 Male RX teams compete against each other over a total of 4 events. All scores combined from each workout would determine the overall winners of the category and claim top points towards the final UK south BAWF winners.
  Isuccessfully transferred into the RAPTC in Sep 21 and was given the opportunity to be posted to ATC (P) as a mainstream instructor. It seems like only a week ago I assumed the role
of 2 Syndicate Leader, however I find myself well established after 6 months at the time of writing this article. Before I arrived I thought “how busy can it be...? Then the Training Warrant Officer said “We look like Swans here... beautiful and majestic, but under the water our legs are moving at 100mph”. Which I soon realised with the pace of life being fast and ever-changing
here at ATC (P). The last 6 months has seen me manage 16 AAPTIs, be the PD focal point for 2 Army Training Regiment and oversee the CO’s Cup Challenge. I sent two of my best AAPTIs on the RAPTC Selection Course, which I am proud to announce that they were both successful and start the RAPTCI Instructor Course later this year. I couldn’t have wished for a better first assignment than ATC (P), which will develop and hone my skillset needed to become an RAPTCI at a Field Unit.
Sgt (SI) S Cooney RAPTC
 Since my arrival at Pirbright just over a year ago, I have always felt a keen interest in preparing AAPTIs to attend RAPTC Selection. Due to the national lockdowns, pre-selection
had taken a back seat therefore I decided to set up a centralised Pirbright one which would hopefully endure. Initially, this meant conducting study groups including interview techniques, group discussions, verbal briefs, and interviews. Since starting this process in May last year Pirbright has now organised 5 Pre- Selection Briefing Courses (PSBC) not only for Pirbright but also Winchester and other external Units.
To further enhance the candidates experience I have been liaising with CDC at ASPT to ensure we develop the best package
possible. This has ensured we are replicating RAPTC Selection as much as possible, so candidates are well prepared for the course. On the PSBC, we have been fortunate to have a number of highly experienced MAAs and WOs to help us deliver this package which has been a credit to the success rate of ATC(P).
Within this period of training, 7 AAPTIs from ATC(P) have successfully passed RAPTC Selection first time which is a huge achievement for them and for us as a department.
Every day, we continue to improve our staff in preparing for the course or providing further education and CPD for those wishing to return to their own cap badge.
Sgt (SI) C Mortley RAPTC

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