Page 110 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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SSgt (SSI) C Morton RAPTC
Well, what a year it has been for us all since we all wrote our last MBS articles. I am nearing the end of a two-and- a-half-year assignment at ITC Catterick and look back and reflect on one of the best, and certainly most challenging assignments I have had since joining the Corps. Throughout my time at ITC, I have worked with a total of 71 AAPTIs, 13 RAPTCIs and 3 SIO PTs. As a SSgt at any stage in their career, I would highly recommend this post to anyone.
Combat Infantry Course (in a COVID Setting). With many Units being sent to WFH for several months, this was not, and could never be the case at ITC Catterick. The output of soldiers (Infanteers) to the Field Army remained critical, with the initial pause to training, due to the pandemic, the re-start of training, with almost 50 platoons returning to commence the CIC at different stages in the pipeline, was a huge challenge, and one that the Gym staff embraced. The safe integration of PD was key to ensuring the risk to MSKI was minimised and that all Force Health Protection measures were strictly adhered to.
Race the World (RTW). With the restrictions making competing in Sport somewhat more of a challenge, Sgt (SI) Ryan Lowe took the lead and entered a team from ITC Catterick in the RTW. This is a virtual challenge event taking in the seven continents of the world. Working together, teams tab, run, cycle, row or swim the distance of each continent in a set number of days. This proved a huge success, with PS and recruits taking part, and raising money for the ABF in the process.
Meritorious Service Medal (MSM). The year started with some outstanding news, when WO2 (QMSI) Mark Radcliffe, was named on the New Year’s Honours list, to be awarded the MSM. Subsequent to this, WO1 (SMI) Stu Mann was also named on the Queen’s Birthday honours list where he too was awarded the MSM. An outstanding achievement by both.
Social Media Engagement. With the use of social media becoming more utilised due to the pandemic, the ITC Gym staff,
WO2 (QMSI) Radcliffe presented with the Meritorious Service Medal
led by SSgt (SSI) Craig Morton got the opportunity to conduct several live engagements with the Military Preparation College for Training. Thousands of learners got the opportunity to live Q&As, with the AAPTIs on hand to discuss topics such as, fitness preparation prior to joining, fitness standards, Sports and Adventurous Training opportunities.
McKay VC Gym Enhancement. Further developments with the main Gymnasium got underway at the start of 2021 with a fully refurbished Gym floor. This added to the previous refurbishment of The Anderson Conditioning Centre and now equips the CIC with a great facility to continue to deliver the highest standards of PD to all recruits.
RAPTC Selection. Success, working closely with AFC Harrogate, there has been several RAPTC Pre-selection courses conducted at ITC Catterick. During my assignment, 12 AAPTIs from ITC have been successful. This has been testament to the hard work and dedication put in by the Syndicate Sgts who put together the training package. I would urge any RAPTCI to send their AAPTIs to attend any future courses.
WO1s Mann and Lingwood – SMI’s Handover
Sgt (SI) Lowe RAPTC - Race the World