Page 114 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 114
HQ Warminster Garrison is a complex environment where the PD Staff are responsible for the delivery of physical training and testing for Special Weapons School (SWS),
snipers, mortars, machine guns and anti-tanks promotion courses, Reconnaissance Armoured Tactics Division (RATD), armoured cavalry and light cavalry recce course. This is conducted alongside the primary role of physical development support to HQ Warminster Garrison and various lodger units, including Land Warfare Centre (LWC), Infantry Trials and Development, Collective Training Group (CTG), Small Arms School Corps (SASC), HQ Infantry, Junior Staff Centre (JSC) and several others.
Moving forward from the challenges presented from the COVID pandemic, provided me an opportunity to procure a new training facility to assist with PD delivery at Warminster Garrison. The business case was supported by HQ Army for the installation of an outdoor gym shelter provided by BeaverFit, who specialise in the design and manufacture of fitness equipment, container gyms and tactical training solutions. This large facility is the peak
Warminster Garrison 5km Christmas fancy dress fun run
of innovation, set to introduce a new form of training which has massively enhanced our PD capabilities. The infrastructure is an excellent space to conduct PT for our troops that enables them to train in the elements, ensuring that they are mentally and physically prepared for weather variations when out on exercise or deployment. The gym shelter also supports effective APTS delivery to avoid musculoskeletal injuries and helps boost mental adaptation.
On Tue 14 Dec 21, Warminster Garrison gym staff organised the inaugural 5km Christmas fun run. It was an eventful and fun morning for the participants who embraced the occasion with some amusing fancy dress outfits. The aim of the event was to encourage health, fitness and wellbeing as well as raise morale prior to the Christmas stand down period. The challenging route took on Battlesbury Hill before returning to camp for a well-earned cup of tea and mince pie at the finish. Prizes were awarded to the 1st Male, female, veteran and of course the best fancy dress.
APTS Physical Training lesson
WO2 (QMSI) N Ferguson RAPTC
WO2 (QMSI) N Ferguson RAPTC outside the new BeaverFit outdoor gym shelter