Page 116 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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   the PT lesson at a reduced capacity, this has been beneficial due to the educational value within the new PT programme.
This is my last tour and ironically is ending at the base I conducted my work experience at as a loadmaster on the C130 Hercules some 25 years ago, I am also ending up with the unit (albeit various name changes) I undertook my Ph 2 as an Air Tech and later served as an AAPTI. 8Bn continue to have a passion for sport, I continue to assist/play with the Bn rugby team who valiantly battle in the premiership against much more established teams. Externally I continue my role with the Army Masters Rugby team and continue to play with RAPTC Rugby team, as I had since joining the Corps (albeit a bit slower and carrying some extra timber).
Sgt (SI) J Howes RAPTC
Since completion of my RAPTC Instructor’s course on 24 Sep 21, I have been employed as the new Sergeant
Instructor (SI) at MOD Lyneham, 8 Battalion REME.
Home of the REME and with up to 550 students coming through the P&RTC daily it has been a steep learning curve, not
only to understand the Bn but to utilise the PowerBi platform for scheduling PT. The enormity of this place is challenging as we are required to deliver PD to 1200-1500 ITTs, STTs, a Royal Marines detachment, RAF personnel, the REME Arms School and HQ DSEME, all whilst trying to share the site and facilities with 5 Battalion REME. In short, the Garrison P&RTC gets roughly 2000 Service Personnel transit through weekly.
As a new SI to the unit and the Corps, I have already had some amazing sporting opportunities present themselves to me. A 3-week Nordic training camp to Norway, establishing the units BAWF team at South regional events 2 – 5 and becoming an active member within the RAPTC Apostles Rugby team (#70), it’s great to be able to manage sports, work and pleasure all in one job role.
8 Trg Bn BAWF team photo
On completion of my first term in the Corps, I have learnt more than I thought I could retain in a year and the aim to soak up as much experience from WO2 (QMSI) Stoby, who started a month before me, is proving beneficial. Losing out on the experience of outgoing Captain (MAA) L Kinsley who has been duel rolled as the Company 2IC will be felt across the PD department, however, gaining the experiences of newly posted in Captain (MAA) A Allen will afford me, yet again, valuable experiences with working with multiple MAAs so early in my career.
Serving at 8 Battalion REME as my first tour unit is a pleasure so far and I look forward to the remainder of my assignment “ARTE ET MARTE” ~ “MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO”.
   Sgt (SI) Howes Nordic skiing
Sgt (SI) Howes RAPTC Rugby debut

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