Page 124 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 124
Soldiers across the Armour Centre can now enjoy box jumps, back squats and burpees with the opening of the new Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Centre in Allenby
After 26 years of being held in a dormant state, the 60-year-old QM’s store at Bovington has finally been restored to its former glory as the brand-new fitness facility featuring state of the art equipment and technology. Paving the way for soldiers’ health and wellbeing, the new fitness Centre will offer 24-hour capability with access to high-performance kit. The specially designed flooring enables a wide range of activities to take place, including the ability to complete the Soldier Conditioning Review (SCR) in a safe indoor space.
With round the clock CCTV surveillance and an innovative swipe card system, Bovington’s night owls will have unlimited access to Olympic barbells, dumbbells and squat racks allowing them to lift at their leisure.
In a bid to boost morale and promote positive change, Bovington’s PTIs have big plans for the suite. Using their passion, expertise, and knowledge they are excited to host British Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF) competitions, evening classes and fitness events to keep up with the ever-evolving fitness world.
Amid a pandemic that has forced the near shutdown of the country over the last 18 months, military personnel and contractors have continued to work hard behind the scenes to ensure the S&C Centre opened on 10 Jun 21.
The project is part of a £5m 4-year plan that HQ Field Army is embarking upon to improve the Physical Training Infrastructure of its units to enable delivery of the Army Physical Training System (APTS). This will improve the lived experience of soldiers and play a part in developing and maintaining physical and mental resilience. Featuring over 35,500 square metres of main gym floor, the remainder of the building has been refurbished to comprise of a sleek and modern rehabilitation room, storeroom, reception area, office space and changing rooms comprising of revitalised ablutions and showering facilities.
S&C Centre prior to work commencing
Yes, the cutting-edge fitness equipment will have its part to play, but it will ultimately be the gym staff’s knowledge and expertise that will ignite the spark back into Dorset’s Armour Centre. With years of experience and skill, ARMCEN is certain they have got what it takes to drive this new opportunity into full operational success and create a stimulating and inspiring space for its soldiers to train.
Having set their sights on nothing short of high-quality, innovative, and functional equipment HQ Field Army, the Regional Infrastructure Cell, DIO, Amey and ARMCEN have been able to align the numerous funding streams and worked closely with military equipment providers, Beaverfit, to manage and execute the project. Indeed, this project has been an excellent example of how collaborative infrastructure working can provide quick wins for the good and benefit of the work force. The project from start to finish has been completed in 6 months at a cost of £150,000.
I want to express my gratitude to the entire gym staff for their outstanding work throughout the past year. You have overcome hurdles such as an increase in infrastructure to manage, staff shortages, and the organisation of the RAC boxing championships, to name just a few.
BeaverFit removing the old floor
S&C Centre completed