Page 125 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 125
The DST is the largest residential driver training school in the world and caters for over 200 permanent members of staff, 1000 Civil servants and anywhere from 1000-2000 Service Personnel (SP) within Initial Trade Training (ITT) at any one time. The PD team consists of instructors with a wealth of experience and DST provides an ideal platform for instructors to further develop their skillsets to the betterment of all SP within our AOR. A typical day within the Gymnasium will generally consist of 8 structured PT sessions, ranging from permanent staff, Trainees from ITT, COVID PT and Level 1 & 2 PT, a very busy and dynamic working environment. Throughout the pandemic, PT continued at full speed with control measures in place to abide by the ever- changing Force Health Protection (FHP) measures. A switch to outdoor lessons and the reintroduction of older PT delivery methods ranging from Swedish PT to box work were introduced to deliver the PD outputs of the Unit safely.
In Oct 21, the Unit hosted a Royal visit,
welcoming HRH Princess Anne to DST, the
visit coincided with the annual RLC Military
Skills competition, the flagship event of
the RLC calendar and was attended by
over 500 personnel, consisting of over 20
teams representing Major and Minor Units
of the RLC, Regular and Reserve. In Nov
21, with the resumption of Army Sport now
fully back underway, the Unit hosted the
UK North Cross-Country Championships
which was fantastically organised by Cpl
E Tennant and the team, attracting over
300 runners to the beautiful Beverley
Westwood to compete for the prestigious
trophy. The Gymnasium is also home to
SIO Geoff Wade (Ex – QMSI) who in great
Corps tradition and style, delivered the
Units annual Athletics competition, as you
can see from the photo, standards never
change, and tracksuits don’t age! Also, in
Nov, saw Baby Noah, the newest (Final)
addition to the Murray family attend his first Remembrance Parade at Beverley Minster, a poignant date in the Murray household and across all associated with Defence.
In Oct 21, we welcomed Sgt (SI) Matt Smith from the ASPT to fill the gapped SI post, a quality operator who has made the transition look seamless from Class One student into a pivotal
Swedish PT
RAPTCI within the Station. In Dec 21, we also welcomed SIO C Pinnington to the team, who brings with him a plethora of qualifications and an infectious energetic attitude having served for a long time in the Prison service. As we continue through 2022, the main aims have been cementing the philosophy of the APTS into the permanent staff and students
QMSI Murray & Noah on parade
alike, culminating with the transition into the RFT(S) as an output test for all SP within ITT. Coming to the end of my first 6-months in post, this place has lived up to its billing and in particular, the PD staff who are constantly raising the bar in pursuit of inspiring the soldier athletes of the future. For those with an eye on this job in the future, I fully recommend it, you will not be disappointed.
The DST PD Team After Battle PT SIO Geoff Wade – still got it