Page 127 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 127
The Defence Medical Services (Whittington) (DMS (W)) is the home of the Defence Medical Community. In the 1990s it was an infantry training establishment. However, it is now the Tri-Service home for the Headquarters of the Surgeon General, the location of the Defence College of Health Education and Training, and the home to the Staffordshire Regiment Museum. DMS (W) is made up of the Royal Navy Medical Service, Army Medical Service, the Royal Air Force Medical Services, and the Headquarters DMS Group (HQ DMS Gp). The primary role of the DMS is to promote, protect and restore the health of the UK Armed Forces to ensure that they are ready and medically fit to go where they are required in the UK and throughout the world. Across the entire site, in all departments, Tri-Service personnel and civilians work side-by-side, as medical, dental, allied healthcare professionals, and with other personnel with the relevant business and technical skills. The range of services provided by the DMS includes primary healthcare, dental care, rehabilitation, occupational medicine, community mental healthcare and specialist medical care.
Within the Physical Development Centre (PDC), we have a range of Tri-Service PTIs, and we will soon welcome our first of three civilian instructors over the next two years. The PDC delivers to a tremendously broad, and very diverse rank spectrum, from a 2* Officer down to Phase 2 trainees. Therefore, given the differences in our experiences within our respective Tri-Service PD careers, it creates a very open working environment, and it is a fantastic opportunity to witness the incredible professionalism of the RAF and the Royal Navy Physical Training branches. Over the last six months, we have made a substantial impact within the Physical Development (PD) syllabus by progressing the strength and conditioning program for the entire Unit, resulting in the reduction of musculoskeletal injuries, consequently saving valuable clinical time. This will soon be bolstered by the installation of £150K of PD equipment, which is being installed at the time of writing.
In November 2021, we took it upon ourselves to conduct a charity event. After some deliberation in the staff room, it was decided that we would conduct FOUR marathons in a single day. So, on 24 November 2021, we all individually completed FOUR marathons each in 24-hours. It was a marathon on a ski-erg, a marathon on a rowing machine, a marathon on a bike, then a marathon run (which was 42 1⁄2 laps of camp). The added bonus to this craziness, is that we were all required to complete one marathon blindfolded because we were doing it to raise funds for the Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC). It was decided by the PT staff that I would conduct the marathon run blindfolded. It was a very strange experience; I was guided by an exceptional RN Officer– Lt Childs MBE RN. We, as a team, raised £3567 during the 24-hour period. It was an incredible experience, and the generosity from those on site was unbelievable. The next charity event is planned for June 2022.
In December 2021, we conducted our Christmas Fun run with the trainees (I decided to dress as a unicorn), and some of the PT staff were wearing some very bizarre outfits. In January 22, we welcomed SSgt (SSI) Jallow RAPTC, a very talented RAPTC footballer, and a great operator. His professionalism was a welcome addition to the team, particularly when I was temporarily promoted to WO1, and appointed as the RSM of the Unit. In March 2022, we hosted the second BAWF event, which was a real success, and Jiu-Jitsu (my sporting passion) is starting to take off in the unit. Both SSgt Jallow and I attended the RAPTC Commandant’s conference, and it is incredible to witness the leaps forward that we are making as a Corps regarding the APTS and PD, and I am now extremely confident that the gains that we have made at DMS (W) will have long-term tangible benefits.
The first delivery of new kit at DMS (W)
QMSI Tuhey blindfolded conducting his fourth marathon in 24hrs
LPT Yates RN & Cpl Goddard RAFPTI conducting their fourth marathon in 24hrs
The DMS (W) Christmas fun run
The competitors in the DMS (W) BAWF event