Page 129 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 129

 Maj (MAA) G Logan RAPTC
The Army Adventurous Training Group (Army AT Gp) provides training across the full spectrum of Joint Service Adventurous Training activities, ranging from gliding and caving to skiing and sub aqua diving from their various training locations in the UK, Cyprus and Germany.
On the 1 Apr 22, the Group expanded their portfolio and marked a new era by assuming command of the Joint Service Adventurous Sail Training Centre (JSASTC) after 50 years of Royal Navy leadership. The occasion was marked by the lowering of the Royal Navy Ensign and raising of the Army Ensign during a ceremony at Gosport attended by a number of distinguished guests including our own Col Comdt, Lt Gen J I Bashall CB CBE who is also Admiral of the Army Sailing Association, Col N Wilson, Commander of the Army Adventurous Training Group and Cdre K Nicholson who officially handed command over to the Army.
The Joint Service Adventurous Sail Training Centre has been a centre of excellence for offshore sailing – not just for our Armed Forces – but recognised nationwide for its outstanding training since 1972 when it started life as the Joint Services Sailing Centre.
As a Royal Yacht Association (RYA) accredited training centre, the Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre in Gosport delivers courses to circa 4000 service personnel through its fleet of 32 yachts, annually. The scope and scale of the centre make it one of the largest offshore training providers in the world, but with such a large capacity for managing and delivering Adventurous Training, a year ago it was agreed between both services that passing command to the Army would ensure the centre continues to grow and thrive in the future.
The Centre will now be managed as part of the Army AT Group who are recognised across defence for providing first class Adventurous Training as a core part of military training.
Ahead of the ceremony, guests were shown around the centre where they could learn about the centres’ history and training on offer, see the impressive fleet and discover the range of skills on offer throughout the centre, from engineers to carpenters.
Flag Changing Ceremony
Of the future of JSASTC and his commitment to continuing its success, Col Wilson, said: “The Army’s Adventurous Training Group is excited about becoming responsible for the Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre in Gosport today. The Centre is a jewel within the Adventurous Training crown with an impressive and inspiring history. It is our job to take on the baton from the Royal Navy and ensure the Centre continues to offer a high quantity of safe and challenging sail training experiences for our service people in-order-to enhance their leadership skills and personal resilience.”
Offshore Sailing is already a staple part of the Army Adventurous Training Group’s portfolio and now they will have a dedicated Centre in the UK from which to conduct this training; training that sees personnel from the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force take part in Adventurous Sailing exercises around the world including in the Atlantic, Canary Islands, Arctic Circle, Scottish west coast, and Baltic Sea, amongst other exciting locations.
Army AT Group conducts training that is physically & mentally demanding to help service personnel develop leadership, personal resilience and decision-making ability in testing situations, which prepares personnel for serving on operations.
   Guests are briefed about the role and functions of JSASTC

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