Page 137 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 137

  From April 2021 it has almost been 2 years since the pandemic forced JSMTW Bavaria, to lock away the ski passes and close the doors. Leaving a tear in the eyes of many, wondering if
they will ever be able to achieve the prestigious ski leader awards. The Delivery Staff consisting of a group of adventure action heroes suddenly all develop Tourette’s, trying to remember ModNet passwords and operate MS Teams. Whilst the Admin Crew continue to drink tea and stealthily run the show from the shadows.
After the turbulence of 2020/21’s Hurricane SARS had finally subsided. The Bav Wing Team once again showed their resilience to change, shifting focus towards getting course delivery up and running. At the start of the training year the Management Team dealt with continually changing bureaucracy, travel restrictions and local Covid rules. Adding even more documents to the Liaison Officer’s already cluttered desk. After a period of Tourette management, the Delivery Staff carried out a number of trials to see if training could be conducted safely. However, remaining 2m apart tied to the same belay would need divine intervention. Meanwhile, the Centre’s Admin Staff regrouped to setup shop ready for the first group of course candidates. As summer of 21 drew to a close, Covid restrictions within Germany slackened allowing the doors to slowly creep open. The professional and combined effort of the Bav Wing saw the first groups of course candidates leave with a well-deserved qualification, and a much- needed break from the recent lockdowns.
The transition to Winter Courses starts with more turbulence. As authorisation for training is needed by 3 countries and a number of transiting countries, all having local district Covid rules, forced the Wing and its course candidates to once again perform a Covid Juggling act. Course participation was cut due to bed space restriction, 2G+ meant officially testing before each training day and then “boom”, Austria locks down. Moving quicker than any Air Corps Serviceman before him, Maj Carl Vickers (AKA the Eagle), supported by ATG(A), swooped down and moved the season’s opening course from Stubai, Austria to Garmisch, Germany, all within 24hrs. Praise must be duly noted from all Course Candidates for the combined efforts of the entire ATG(A) Organisation. As the Winter Season developed, Covid restrictions still hinder the Wing’s output in terms of course numbers, training venues, quarantines and the uncertainty of another lockdown.
During the last 12 months Covid restrictions across Europe have genuinely tested the Wing’s organisational strength, placing continually changing policies on previously difficult to run courses. Testimony to all the Staff as this has not hindered
SMF Course Hirschberg Decent
  SMF Course Map Reading in Hindelang
their professionalism or commitment to the Unit’s Mission. On the contrary, it has seen the Wing’s Teamwork, Resilience and Core Values strengthen, creating a more dynamic organisation. Highlighting how Adventurous Training is leading the way in personal resilience and leadership development training.
“Mens Sana in Corpore Sano”.
 SMF Course view from the Tegelberg

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