Page 138 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 138

This year started with the relaxation of COVID 19 and the steady increase of student numbers for all Adventurous Training (AT) Centres. Following all the hard work done across the organisation to stay in line with the Force Health Protection Measures, Type 4 AT has continued for Tri-Service personnel with an ever-increasing level of applications. Llanrwst, like all other wings, has continued to deliver Type 4 AT to the highest level of professionalism.
As the Wing now returns to full capacity, we are seeing a fresh flow of energised students from all three services, including Reserve candidates. As well as Type 4 courses the Adventurous Leadership & Resilience Training (ALeRT) courses will start again throughout 2022 allowing Llanrwst Wing to provide ALeRT specialists across the Organisation. These courses will be delivered by a select group of ATIs and SIOs managed by JSMTW Llanrwst OC, Maj Al Seaton.
Since arriving at Llanrwst in May 2021, I have completed an array of courses to support the role of Wing Sergeant Major (WSM). Firstly, to comply with assurance I completed a Lyon Equipment PPE Inspection course to assist with G4 matters in an AT setting. Next on the agenda, to ensure the correct procedures regarding moderation of the delivery staff, I completed the Army Trainer Mentor (ATM) course. This came with a civilian accredited level 3 Coaching and Mentoring qualification as well as the chance to start the level 5, which I gladly registered for and hope to complete by June this year.
After many unsuccessful applications due to a high demand, I had the chance to attend the WO ALDP in February of this year. This was the first face-to-face course of its kind involving 5 days of intense online learning and 10 days in the classroom setting at Tidworth Garrison. I received excellent tutoring from ETS officer, Capt James Murphy and his team, seeing this as a great
opportunity to further develop my essay writing skills on top of developing a deeper understanding of Joint policy and doctrine.
I would like to finish with a final thank you to the “Roosters” team for looking out for me and each other. The team have not just been prepared to pick me up when I fall but have undoubtedly at times caught me before I hit the ground! Maj Seaton has created a unique family atmosphere at Llanrwst, dedicating much of his time to building trusting relationships. The dynamics of the group sees every member working in sync with the sole focus on customer satisfaction. This is reflected weekly in the Internal Validation process showing positivity in all areas from cleaning and kitchen staff through to the proactivity and professionalism of the course delivery staff. JSMTW Llanrwst is simply a great place to enjoy work.
‘The Roosters’

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