Page 145 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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It’s been a busy year within the London South (LS) region, with the continued delivery of high-level rehabilitation across
the RRU and PCRFs. Ongoing safety measures, PPE and social distancing within healthcare has meant the ERIs within region have worked tirelessly to ensure the same level of care has continued, even with the extra challenges these measures place on clinical face-to-face delivery.
  RRU Aldershot
The RRU has continued to deliver it’s shortened 8-day courses, whilst this has been full-on with a constant stream of new courses starting, it has also allowed for other opportunities for the ERIs within the RRU. Sgt (SI) Body deployed on Ex KHANJAR OMAN, working as part of the forward rehab team, his role was to support the battle group (BG) with primary health care from both a firm base facility and through dynamic clinical output by deploying on the exercise area.
The forward rehab team’s role was crucial to the BG, utilising their clinical knowledge and experience, they were able to keep injured troops deployed in modified roles. The exercise was an incredible experience and a steep learning curve for Sgt Body, however the RRU then benefitted from this improved knowledge and primary care skillset on his return.
As soon as Sgt Body returned from Oman, Sgt (SI) Barrigan left for sunnier climes, to carry out the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge as part of the RAPTC Force Atlantic team alongside Capt (MAA) Pollock, WO1 (SMI) Blackburn and SSgt (SSI) Welch. During the
Sgt Barrigan formed part of the Force Atlantic Team
row Sgt Barrigan’s ERI experience and knowledge was heavily utilised, preventing and treating injury at sea to allow the team to continue at their predicted pace and beat the previous mixed 4 world record by 33 hours!!!
On Sgt Barrigan’s return from rowing the Atlantic she was posted to PCRF London Central, and we welcomed Sgt (SI) Megan Paynter-Hetherington from the JSSERI course, Sgt Paynter- Hetherington has settled well into the team and is starting to hone her ERI skillset.
PCRF Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Sgt (SI) M Glass RAPTC
This past year has seen a return to normality in the everyday working life at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as we continue to bounce back from the challenges and clinical demands of the pandemic.
Within PCRF RMAS we have introduced a dedicated reconditioning pathway that has enabled Officer Cadets to transition seamlessly from rehabilitation back into training fully prepared to tackle the demands of the Commissioning Course. This change has also seen an uplift in staffing with Sgt (SI) Luke Smith welcomed into the team alongside Sgts (SI) Pun & Glass. The PCRF has recently welcomed much needed new equipment from DPHC, including additional platforms, bars, and weights to meet the training objectives and requirements of the academy.
PCRF staff have also participated in external taskings, most notable Captain Mcgillion (OC Lucknow Platoon), who deployed on Op Rescript over the Christmas period working tirelessly to
  Sgt Body forms part of the forward rehab team
Lucknow Platoon Rehab Staff

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