Page 147 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Alongside delivering our normal duties the team were involved in the vaccination roll out, both last year across London and this year when the OC was tasked separately to assist with the roll out in the Midlands. The team also set up an Injury Station on Horse Guards to assist with the London Marathon 2021. The station involved soft tissue therapy alongside a flexibility and mobility area to aid runners with their recovery.
We also became the trial site for the Wearable Integrated Rehabilitation Application roll out. The MyRecovery app is designed to replace Rehab Guru and gives the patients and clinicians an all-in-one app, encompassing questionnaires, health, and fitness advice and most importantly their rehab programme. No one likes change, but as we are getting to grips with the app it’s now becoming the normal. It was also time for our big inspection as London Central Practice had their Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection. The inspection looks at the medical training facility (MTF) as a whole, diving into their daily practices, ensuring policies and regulations are being followed and that everything is safe. The results of the report are yet to be released.
It’s been a busy year, but the team are looking forward to the challenges ahead and are enjoying being back to face-to-face appointments.
Winchester Group Medical Practice
Sgt (SI) S Craft RAPTC
It’s been another busy year for the Winchester Group Medical Practice (WGMP) which consists of ATR Winchester, Worthy Down and Marchwood PCRF’s. We had our first level 2 Healthcare Governance Assurance Visit (HGAV) as a group this year and achieved Full Operating Capability (FOC) with the PCRF teams from all three sites getting significant praise for best utilising the group method.
Two freshly qualified ERIs where assigned to ATR Winchester at a challenging time one week before the HGAV inspection, Sgt (SI)
Fife and Sgt (SI) Anderson. They have quickly settled into their new role and hit the ground running providing rehabilitation to recruits and permanent staff, not only for Musculoskeletal Injuries but for Covid patients that have been transferred to a specially created Covid platoon. They are already putting their own stamp on the PCRF and have plans for enhancing the uplift of the infrastructure in the future.
Worthy Down has been the Hub for the group and the PCRF team have continued to provide rehabilitation to permanent staff and Phase 2 trainees in this Tri-Service establishment. Sgt (SI) Robinson and I are introducing bespoke weekly sessions for rehab personnel while also aiming to provide more CPD to the Gym staff to enhance their knowledge within injury prevention which they can utilise within their own lessons for the recruits.
A solid performance in another challenging year for all PCRFs within the group, but with the current RAPTCIs in post now, I have no doubt the group will continue to develop and progress forward..
In-Service Training for Rehab/Gym Staff
ATR Winchester Rehab