Page 148 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 148
Sgt (SI) A Attree RAPTC
Fresh into the fray here at PCRF Abingdon, Sgt (SI) Attree has recently taken over from Sgt (SI) Robinson and has
bedded in with the small team responsible for facilitating rehabilitation to 3 and 4 Regts RLC, 11 EOD, and elements of 77 Brigade.
PCRF Abingdon may be small but is comprehensive when it comes to Physical Training Equipment.
As a part of the requirement to stay current and continually develop, the PCRF has a robust In-Service Training programme in place. This is integrated with the Medical Centre and allows for sharing of best practice and cohesion between the healthcare establishments.
In the meantime, the PCRF is looking forward to the arrival of new gym equipment and establishing ties with local RAPTCIs to develop potential by providing an ERI look at life placement. I look forward to sharing more with the Mind, Body and Spirit Journal once fully established in role.
Sgt (SI) A Attree and physiotherapists The Team getting amongst the gym facilities Keeping CPD up to date Angelina Cross & Nick Beale
SSgt (SSI) M Woodhead RAPTC
Oh, what a year it’s been. With a slow start due to the opening and closing and opening of the facility, RRU St Athan has began to blossom yet again. Like any well-oiled machine
– the RRU team worked flawlessly to ensure safe practices were adhered to, whilst maintaining a consistently high delivery of patient care. We managed to run our trickle feed courses again rather than the ever stagnant 3-week format, which allowed a constant flow of patients in and out of the unit, which gave the clinicians the ability to focus on providing that individual care we (DMR) all aspire to give.
As the seasons change so did our OCs, with Maj Lyndsay Hobbs RAMC departing, we welcomed the start of Maj F Short RAMC dynasty in June 21. With 4 previous posts as OC at an RRU, Maj Short came like a whirlwind of knowledge which, with an increased workload, has ensured the RRU is above and beyond standards and capability as we return to normal(ish) practice. We were then able, as a team, to create and utilise white space for staff cohesion which has enhanced what was already a great workplace environment. With this we conducted an afternoon of ten-pin bowling, crazy golf in Cardiff and paddle boarding at one