Page 173 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 173

SSgt (SSI) R Harrison RAPTC
The RAPTC Orienteering Championships takes place each year and in 2021, Frith Hill, near Camberley, was the chosen location. This year’s event saw eight RAPTC orienteers come together to compete in a 1-hour score course. Each competitor
  SSgt (SSI) R Harrison presenting winner’s prize to SSgt (SSI) T Steele RAPTC
had 1-hour to collect as many check points as possible up to a maximum of 30. Each check point is worth 10 points and this can be achieved in any order; route selection is critical along with navigation and fitness. SSgt (SSI) Tom Steele came top with a staggering 260 points out of 300. A close second with 240 points was Capt (MAA) Al Harris.
We are keen to increase the participation in this exciting sport, not just a test of fitness but also navigation; two things
The team at the RAPTC Orienteering Championships 2021
that contribute to being an effective soldier. Military events are held throughout the country every Wednesday with courses to suit every standard, so come and have a go, you might like it.
 In the time of writing this article, I find myself in a position with not a huge amount to write about. Little was achieved this year and the disruption that was felt across sport and Swimming was
no exception.
I feel that the habit of routine sport has been lost and it is up to the Corps Secretaries to encourage new participants to their sport. With this in mind, I feel that this article should sell the RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo team to generate new RAPTC Swimmers and Water Polo players and recreate the tradition of sport.
The RAPTC Swimming and Water polo team are a small group of swimmers of all abilities. We often meet up and conduct training together in preparation for the Inter Corps Champs in which we generally perform well; often taking the scalps of some of the larger Corps.
We are often the ones with the clipboard and stopwatch at these events. However, with real intent the RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo team could really challenge again. In the past the RAPTC were winners in the Inter Corps Competitions and had many representing the Army in the Inter Services.
With the recent exceptional work of the then Chairman Maj (MAA) Horner RAPTC and the previous Corps Secretary SSgt (SSI) Spence, the RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo Team now have the ability to conduct an Overseas Sports Visit (OSV) and compete against other teams around the globe. The last OSV saw the RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo team travel to Gibraltar and compete against local teams. This allowed the team to also visit cultural sites and sample some of the local delicacies.
The RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo team will travel to Cyprus to conduct the next OSV in Oct 2022. This will give the Team a real chance to compete against local Swimming and Water Polo Clubs in preparation for the 2023 Inter Corps Championships.
The RAPTC Swimming and Water polo team has had some individual success. With both WO2 (QMSI) Syrett and SSgt (SSI) B
Webster RAPTC selected to represent the Army Swimming Team, and both invited to attend the Army Swimming Training Camp in Cyprus in 2022.
The future of the team will depend on new team members joining and giving it a go. If you feel that this team is for you, please contact the RAPTC Swimming and Water Polo Secretary.
SSgt (SSI) B Webster, WO2 (QMSI) A Syrett and SSgt (SSI) G Cooper RAPTC at the Inter Corps Champs
WO2 (QMSI) Laycock RAPTC

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