Page 175 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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   the AGC take victory with 44 points to 8. The final game of the season against the Int Corps was called off giving the Apostle the win and a well-deserved place in the Corps Finals on the 18th May against the AGC. With one win each so far in the season, this will literally be a winner takes all final.
As the Corps Rugby season draws to a close the Army’s Inter Services campaign starts to pick up. This year has seen Apostles represent and support the Army Men’s, Women’s and Master’s Teams. Within the coaching setup, Maj D Boocock, SSgt J Bambury and SSgt J Gray have been supporting the Masters; SSgt J Miller with the Women’s Team and SSgt B Jervis with the Men’s Senior Team.
Huge congratulation goes to SSgt T Chennell who was selected to represent the Army against both the RAF and Navy. After 13 years of representative rugby, SSgt Chennell has decided to hang up his boots on what has been a fantastic playing career, and who could think of a better way to end it by playing at Twickenham one final time.
RAPTC Rugby is not just about the sport that we all love playing. A lot of great work happens off the field of play. The Apostles are forever showing their appreciation to those who have gone before us and a few members attended the NW association dinner held in Blackpool. Past and present RAPTCI’s dined on fine food, drank wine and shared some “DITs”. The night was a huge success and came at a time when respite from the pandemic was much needed.
Also external to the rugby pitch, WO2 (QMSI) M J Brightey and Sgt (SI) Serghi deployed to Sierra Leone where they delivered an AAPTI Train the Trainer qualification to the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces. Whilst there, they presented a RAPTC Rugby ball to the OC and as part of community engagement they donated Army Rugby Union Kit to Benguema Primary School.
Our efforts on and off the field this year have not gone un-noticed, several Apostles were recognised for their hard work and dedication including:
Capt (MAA) G Slade-Jones was awarded a CGS Commendation for his role as SMI Regional Comamnd, having had major influence in the distribution and delivery of PTE to assist with the APTS and RFT element of the new testing protocols, his charity work and contribution to Army rugby was also recognised.
SSgt (SSI) W Jervis was the first ever recipient of 5 Regt AAC RSM’s bayonet, this was awarded for being rated as the number one SNCO it the regiment with a very impressive write up, a huge achievement for an attached arm.
WO2 (QMSI) M J Brightey and SSgt (SSI) L Brimble were awarded their red caps, this is awarded to an Apostle who has completed 8 dedicated years of service to the club, during this time these two mainstays have been instrumental in the development of the squad, always pushing recruitment and leading from the front. This year also saw four Apostles receive their RAPTC Rugby Colours, SSgt (SSI) S Smith, SSgt (SSI) C Mayhew, SSgt (SSI) K Mortimer and SSgt (SSI) J Grey were all recognised for their unparalleled dedication to their sport for a minimum of 5 years.
An incredible year for the Apostles on and off the pitch.
Finally, we said goodbye to two legends of the club, Maj E Williams, WO2 A Stephenson. Both Apostles had distinguished careers and have been linchpins in the club for many years. Another goodbye goes to Maj S Collins-Lindsay (RLC). Even though Maj S Collins- Lindsay is not RAPTC cap badge, over the past few years he has constantly supported the team both on and off the field. If it’s helping out in the front row (a position no one likes) or coaching the newer members of the team, Maj S Collins-Lindsay has always shown true Apostle spirit and the club will be forever grateful for his support. Wherever their future takes them, the Club wishes all of them and their families the very best of luck.
RAPTC Rugby Team 21/22
 The RAPTC Apostles pay their respects at the Aldershot Military Cemetery

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