Page 186 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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The Regt Sec is responsible for the daily management of all Association business and is ably assisted by Mrs Jules Fairclough, who is often the first point of contact.
Finances. As a charity, the funds held within our accounts are classed as Charitable funds and the Trustees are entrusted by the Association’s members to govern these funds appropriately.
Association funds are managed in accordance with Service Funds Regulations and the Regt Sec has delegated authority to act as the Fund Manager.
The Fund Manager is responsible for authorising all transactions in accordance with his delegated authority and the transactions are processed by the Regimental Accountant. The accounts are audited internally throughout the year and submitted for an external audit at the end of each financial year. The audited accounts are then submitted annually to the Charity Commission of England and Wales, along with the Chairman’s annual statement for scrutiny.
The Regt Sec (Fund Manager) drafts and presents a Forecast of Expenditure (FoE) to the Trustees at their April Executive Committee meeting. The FoE is based on the previous year’s expenditure and the presumed income for the coming year. Through diligent management the Association accounts are always in budget and also allows a small build-up of working capital which allows the Trustees to fund projects that may benefit Association members.
The Trustees continue to support Association members with annual grants and allocated funds for: benevolence (support for those in need), welfare (support to enhance wellbeing), RAPTC Museum, RAPTC Reunion, RAPTC Branches, MBS, RAPTC Sports (including funds for RAPTC Sports Tours), the RAPTC Officers’ and the RAPTC Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Messes. This year, they also provided funds to support the ‘Force Atlantic’ expedition which was a world record attempt by a mixed team of RAPTC Members to row the Atlantic. A detailed article is contained within the MBS but suffice to say they broke the World record and I congratulate them on their awesome achievement.
The Association also has an investment portfolio which is managed by BlackRock on behalf of the Association. The investment portfolio provides quarterly dividends which are included in the FoE and allocated annually for the good and benefit of Association members.
Through continued prudent and diligent management of Association finances and maintaining the balance between the now and the future, the Association ensures financial stability and accountability, which benefits all our members year-on-year.
A copy of the RAPTC Association audited accounts can be found on the Charity Commission website.
Benevolence and Welfare. Requests for benevolence have been low this year which may be due to several factors however, we feel self-pride might be a reason for not seeking support and preventing our members asking for help. It is worth reiterating that all benevolence requests are dealt with in the strictest confidence and Association members should be reassured that any request for help is confidential and will not be put into the public domain.
The Association Welfare Committee have authorised a few benevolence grants this year and we did receive a very moving letter from one recipient expressing their gratitude for the financial support, explaining how it helped when they needed it most and allowed them to move on with life in a positive manner. This letter was well received and reminds us that the funds we allocate do make a big difference.
RAPTC Association Awards. We were able to present the Association Awards in person this year during lunch at the RAPTC Association Service of Commemoration. Once again, the citations highlighted the exceptional contributions of our serving and retired members. I am also most honoured to have been awarded the Gelder Award. A full list of the recipients is at the front of this edition of the MBS.
RAPTC Association Service of Commemoration. The RAPTC Association Service of Commemoration took place alongside the RAPTC Memorial within the grounds of the National Memorial Arboretum. This was the first opportunity to gather after the pandemic restrictions and I am pleased to note that over 160 attended the service and lunch. Lt Gen Bashall CB CBE, our Colonel Commandant, presented the Association awards and we were also privileged to have the Daughter-in-Law of the late Col Littlehales present the RAPTC Association Littlehales Award. This award is named in honour of Col R W Littlehales and is: Awarded to the Association Member who has contributed most to enhance the prestige of the RAPTC through Sport.
1 Apr 2021 to 31 Mar 2022 Lt Col (Retd) G B Jones
RAPTC Association Trustees in deep discussion
Regt Sec, SMAA & Corps SM with their ‘Man Bags’