Page 187 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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   The cost of the Association Service is covered by the Association and is free for members and their dependants attending. The Service has become a permanent fixture in the calendar and to ensure we are able to continue this simple, but dignified service, a deposit has already been paid and the venue secured for the 2023 and 2025 Service of Remembrance.
National Remembrance. The Association was well represented at the national remembrance services although due to renovations the number of tickets for the Field of Remembrance was restricted to 4. The Cenotaph Service and March Past was once again a special event; it is a great source of pride to represent the Corps at such a high-profile event and I would recommend any Association member to attend this event if it is only once.
Garden of Remembrance. The garden of remembrance sits within the grounds of the ASPT and is maintained by the ASPT contract gardeners. The Trustees have agreed that the Garden needs refurbishment and a Project Officer has been appointed to cost a number of options for the Trustees to consider. The funds for the refurbishment were kindly donated by Mrs Kathleen Sheedy (wife of the late Maj (MAA) M Sheedy APTC).
RAPTC Museum. Following the departure of Mr Eli Dawson to pastures new, we welcome our new Curator, Jarrod Steadman, who started in Feb 2022. The museum has now re-opened to the public and has already seen an increased footfall.
The Ogilby Muster (TOM) database is a digital archive launched by the Army Museum’s Ogilby Trust (AMOT) with the aim of giving
the public access to the First World War archives of Regimental Museums across the UK for the purpose of research, family history and educational use. The RAPTC Museum is a participant in this and has contributed much of its First World War archive material to the TOM database. TOM covers the period 1900-1929 with a focus on the First World War.
The museum has established close ties with the Aldershot Army Museum, and together they are developing a joint learning session for local schools. We also have a couple of volunteers who provide their help free of charge, often taking on the long and laborious jobs that are essential in maintaining our archives and for this we are most grateful.
Closing Notes. These are my last notes as the Regimental Secretary for the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) and I will take this opportunity to thank Mrs Jules Fairclough for her support. The work Jules undertakes in the background for the Association often goes unseen, but should never be underestimated; she regularly goes beyond what is expected for the benefit of our Association members. Without her support over the past 9 years my role as the Regt Sec would have been much more difficult.
It has been a long and memorable journey from joining the Army in 1972 and I thank all those who have helped and supported me throughout my journey. It has been a privilege and honour to be the Regimental Secretary for the past nine years and as I move into retirement, I take with me very fond memories of a full career and the many lifelong friendships that I have made which I cherish and fully intend to maintain.
Regimental Secretary’s Farewell Lunch
Mick Ford
Another year has passed and during the pandemic lockdowns there was a window during which a new venue for the Branch Annual Dinner was found in the center of Worcester at a very competitive price and with excellent transport links. A lot of background work was done, and the Branch get together was arranged on 3 different dates, but unfortunately due to a very low number of replies with some reservations about the distance of travel to the venue, all arrangements had to be cancelled.
Nick Lear-Easdown and I have decided to stand down from the Branch Committee and, for now, the Branch will be put into suspension until a new Chairman and Secretary can be
appointed. The Regimental Secretary is endeavoring to find suitable volunteers and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported the SW Branch during our tenure. I am hopeful that the Branch can be taken out of suspension as soon as possible as it is essential for maintaining contact with Association members across the SW and Wales area and responsible for organising the annual gathering for Association members across the region.
I have been helping out at the Malvern Showground vaccination center over the past year on Mondays and Tuesdays, doing a six-hour shift. I have found helping out the NHS very satisfying.

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