Page 20 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 20

Maj (MAA) R Windard RAPTC
“Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self-criticism” Albert Einstein
By the time this article goes to print, I’ll have handed over the 3(UK) Div reins to the steady hands of Maj
Barry (Sweaty) Sweatman and I’ll have taken up my next assignment as the SO2 PD at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) from Maj Will Pacter.
The past 12 months hasn’t been without its challenges for the Div, it’s units or me professionally and personally and it would be remis of me not to acknowledge the hard work, tenacity,
and perseverance of all RAPTCIs within the Division. They have supported me, one another, looked for innovation and worked tirelessly to ensure the Division’s readiness remains on-point, and ensured that all things PD have been unlocked safely following the pandemic, this despite the ever-increasing taskings and ever- reducing workforce.
There has been a changeover in the Brigade SMI appointments, where we’ve welcomed WO1 (SMI) C Goodchild RAPTC into 12X following a great tenure of the now Capt (MAA) Lee Kinsley, and also WO1 (SMI) J Marshall RAPTC who has taken over at 1X from WO1 (SMI) T Richardson RAPTC. Both have hit the ground running and added value straight off the bat.
The division has benefited greatly from the implementation of Field Army funded Strength and Conditioning shelters which allow units to deliver the APTS and its specifics all year round. Even as I write this there is another one being erected in Tidworth Garrison which will provide another much-needed undercover training space for the Tidworth based units.
In closing, the 3XX SO2 PD appointment has been incredibly rewarding and enjoyable as it has been challenging. The Division is incredibly fortunate to have such a high calibre of RAPTCIs delivering at the 68 Regular and Army Reserve units. You are the gatekeepers of our ethos and standards - you have, are, and continue to keep the Service Personnel of 3 (UK) Div “In the fight!”
BAWF Judges
An eventful first year within HQ 6th (UK) Division. The return (can we still say that?) from the pandemic to all things PD, supporting re-subordination of Units following the Integrated Review (IR), understanding the PD beast within the Division whilst assuring its delivery. It is always great to see what the RAPTCIs are delivering, and every Unit commended their work and application of PD delivery. The question many people have (both inside and outside of the Division) is what is 6th (UK) Division’?
6th (United Kingdom) Division prepares and generates the Army’s Information Manoeuvre and Unconventional Warfare forces for both constant
Maj (MAA) B Reese RAPTC
Maj (MAA) B Reese in his happy place
competition and war fighting, as well as routinely conducting operations below the threshold of armed conflict in the virtual and physical dimensions.
In order to deliver the role and function of the Division a significant restructure was completed following the IR, which resulted in 6th (UK) Division shrinking in numbers but increasing in capability and spread.
Injury has prevented any competition for me in triathlon this season, but thankfully I have been able to remain sane by still riding the bike. I leave HQ 6th (UK) Division in the summer in the hands of Maj (MAA) Lee Davison as I start ICSC(L).
 I arrived in Upavon in Apr 2021 on promotion to WO1 to be employed as the SMI for PD Pers in HQ 6th (UK) Division. After a brief HOTO one of my first tasks was to create a training programme for the GOC who intended to complete Trailwalker 2021 which is a 100km trek across the South Downs completed in under 30 hrs. Using my networks, I managed to pull a programme together from colleagues that have way further advanced IT skills than I do, so gained my first tick in the box. My next challenge was to rejuvenate the PT regime within the HQ which had ceased due to COVID 19. This was a challenge within itself due to the measures in place to keep everyone safe whilst working in a COVID environment, but
low and behold HQ PT was re-born with a shock of those new to APTS experiencing DOMs in muscles they didn’t know they had. My life was made much easier with the use of the management tool which only required me to populate relevant details rather than creating a whole new database as I did back in my SSI days. I can’t believe it has already been nearly 12 months that I have been in post. I can honestly say that I have had some fantastic opportunities since working in the HQ. One of these opportunities was the G1 Pers teambuilding day which consisted of a summer’s day in Sandhurst participating in Stand-Up Paddle boarding which is something I had not done before this day but took to it

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