Page 22 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Iassumed the role at HQ SW as the COVID-19 force health protection measures eased, which allowed me to visit all Units on the annual audit cycle. It is certainly humbling to witness first-
hand the incredible work our RAPTCIs deliver within their Units and across the wider Region. There will always be multiple ways to achieve a work strand or implement a safe system of training and the opportunity to see how our RAPTCIs tackle these challenges, whilst integrating technology, is truly inspirational.
I always think back to my first PTI role when the most important part of the day was the mail run. I can assure the reader of previous generations that Physical Development is delivered just as effectively with no sight of a filing cabinet or mail run.
It is a privilege to ‘lead to serve’ the outstanding RAPTCIs and their families within the SW region who will always be my main priority. I also prioritise, effective communication which is critical in the SW due to our geographical foot print and the importance of maximising human performance through Physical Development holistically, due to its direct impact upon both the moral and physical components of fighting power.
It’s been just over a year now into the new role and I’m just about getting to grips with most areas of responsibility. Plus points, units visits and interactions with all the RAPTCIs, some of whom I would never have met or known and where hopefully I have offered some sound advice. The roll out of MOD laptops and HQSW grownup approach to working from home has certainly improved my work
/ life balance. Negative points SPREADSHEETs! And that’s about it. Any RAPTCIs leaving the regular service I would honestly fully recommend looking at a career in the FTRS.
Last summer we said goodbye to Capt (MAA) Steve Green who moved to HQ RAPTC and welcomed from his role as MAA at ATC Pirbright, Capt (MAA) Colin Suffield.
WO2 (QMSI) B Bynorth RAPTC and Capt (MAA) C Suffield RAPTC
Capt (MAA) C Suffield RAPTC Headquarters South West SO3 PD
As I approach my 49th year on this planet I managed to get a place on the 2021 London Marathon. However, I only found out 4 weeks before the start. I had originally promised to carry a 25kg bergan but needed something extra to raise the minimum for the charity, so I upped the ante and carried 40kgs. Feeling nostalgic from my 3 PARA, Anti-Tank days I managed to fill my trusted old Para Bergan and off I went in MTP and boots. Many hours later with only a handful of runners/walkers left, I finally crossed the finish line. I can honestly say I was in the hurt locker after 4 miles, but raised over £3500 for Sue Ryder.
WO2 Bynorth London Marathon 2021