Page 28 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  It has been another great year as the RAPTCI for 22 Engineer Regiment based in Perham Down. This has been a very busy period for the unit, conducting Operations in Estonia and Belize.
With the introduction of the Non-Ground Close Combat (Non-GCC) Role Fitness Tests (RFTs) we have had to make sure all service personnel deploying on these operations were fully fit and had completed their RFT(s) and Soldier Conditioning Review (SCR).
This was all achieved by conducting a solid & progressive build up programme. Physical and Mental resilience are the foundations of which this Unit is built upon, whether that be in the form of an arduous green PT session on the area or a Yoga and flexibility session in the Gym hall, it is key to make sure all personnel buy
into all the training to make sure they are fully prepared for any task that they are given.
I have also introduced a SCR “Trojan Club” incentive. Similar to the old 300 Club, members of the unit who complete the Trojan Club standards will receive a T-Shirt showing that they are a “Trojan”.
With the unit deploying on various operations and remaining on high readiness there has still been time to plan and take part in AT and sporting events, with Ex Snow Sapper being conducted in the early part of the year and each Sqn organising AT Expeds making sure all personnel receive a well-rounded and unforgettable experience from 22 Regiment Royal Engineers.
SSgt (SSI) D Winter RAPTC
   22 Engr Regt Improvised Obstacles SSgt Winter leading 22 Engr Regt LAD AT
SSgt (SSI) M Tatton RAPTC & Sgt (SI) O Dales RAPTC
 Another fast-paced year for the unit, multiple deployments including Norway, USA, Somalia, Lithuania and the Caribbean, along with a unit transformation, this has really tested each and every serving member here, however in true commando fashion, the Unit has risen to the occasion.
The easing of Covid restrictions has also allowed the unit to participate in numerous sporting and military events. 24 Cdo RE won the prestigious Commando Speed March in Sep 21 for the first time in its history. The unit cross country team came runners up at the Sapper x-country finals and the regimental cricket team got through to the final of the Sapper Cup.
The Unit has also managed to participate in numerous AT activities, with 15 pax attending Ex Snow Sapper 22, which involved
  Commando Speed March winners 2021
RE Cross-Country Championship Runners Up
qualifying SP in Ski Foundation (SF) 1 & 2. Multiple sailing trips, including a journey to St Nazaire to celebrate 80 years since Op Chariot. SP also deployed on the Winter Deployment and had the opportunity to hit the slopes several times.
Finally, it’s been another great year for our inflow of Commando Sappers. Sgt Dales has done an unbelievable job in preparing future Commando Sappers for the All-Arms Command Course, even to the point where he had too many successful applicants on the CTC RM Lympstone led 1-day assessment. I can’t mention Commando Training without highlighting SSgt Dorian Thomas. He completed the AACC at the start of 2021, winning the Commando Medal and Commandant’s prize, a great representative for the RAPTC.

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