Page 29 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 29

  As the monotony of yet another COVID year ended and despite the endeavours of Jan and Feb 22 it seemed like we were in for another year of virtual space living. Thankfully as the year progressed this turned out to not be the case. The world began to open!
In May the mighty 29 Elite Centurions assisted me in completing 3 days of Murph raising funds for the ABF.
Little did we know that the Regiment would attempt to do more in the next 7 months than it has for the past 24! With that, the tempo began to build; with the military skills competitions looming the need for green PT and MRT delivery was an absolute must. Kicking the training year off for 29 Regiment was LCpl Scott Kilding’s Regimental Sports Fayre, where he created a bespoke orienteering themed event keeping everything in line with FHPI by having all the stands mapped around the local camp area easing concerns over social distancing.
Following an initial visit from our new SO3 PD, Capt (MAA) C Suffield, the Regiment was identified as having several areas of best practice, which resulted in a virtual road show and creating a bespoke HQSW PTI Development Group where the sharing of identified best practice via the PD Branch became normal practice through the year.
A Regiment of some 506 strong, you will rarely see more than 150 personnel in station at any one time due to the movement trade being constantly deployed across multiple theatres around the globe including Operations DWELL, CABRIT, PITTING and other enduring Operations further afield. Despite this, the Regiment is the hub of 104 Logistics Brigade activity hosting several Brigade level tasks across the joint space from G1-9 and even more PD
Fantastic 194 – LtoR WO2 Hathaway, SSgt Manderson, SSgt Bedford, WO2 Stoby, Mr R Slade-Jones, SSgt Gray, WO2 Morton
SSgt (SSI) Gray pull up
 events. The perks of having the Brigade Commander less than 400m from your office! The more notable events include the Brigade Festival of Sport and the Brigade Boxing.
All the while the need to maintain readiness standards and the churn of operations continue to see the Regiment transition across to Non-GCC RFT(s) as the case study and example of best practice within the Brigade. The training year culminated with the Regimental Health Fayre led by Cpl Mark Holmes, who was able to bring in several outside agencies in our first event where COVID restrictions were lifted.
A year that started in isolation has finally ended in a return to sport with a return to open water swimming, the ARU on track for another successful inter services campaign and the fantastic course 194 back in the Corps Mess.
   29 Regt personnel low carry log PT
Pte Whyborne DOFIT

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