Page 51 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 51
The Bn has thrived in returning to a normal battle rhythm post the COVID-19 pandemic. Within this annual report the unit have been busy conducting individual, group and sub-unit level tasks and exercises within UK such as the MACA task that saw 12 Coy disperse into small teams across the North and Midlands.
Sport has re-energised the Bn having conducted a CO’s trophy competition that had a total of 6 events including 5 sporting events. The competition went down to the wire, 12 Coy played their joker card on the last event which saw them win the overall Trophy. The unit have also hosted UK North Cross Country and Orienteering events. The road cyclists within the unit conducted Ex Red Lion Velo which saw them conduct the 3 stages of the Gran Fondo in Cyprus. Nordic Skiers also had the opportunity to get back onto the snow and compete in Ex Nordic Bluebell.
The unit also hosted the 102 Log Brigade operational shooting competition (OSC) that both regular and reserve units entered. The PD staff were involved with conducting the march and
Cfn Cumming delivering the March & Shoot for 102 Log Bde
shoot element that involved a 2-mile route including crossing 12 obstacles.
Op TEAMWORK took place on 8 Feb 22 which led to every individual within the unit downing tools and participating in fun and challenging activities and discussions over the day. The sub- units conducted PT to aid in team cohesion. The round robin style MEL also allowed the sub-units to conduct leader and leaderless command tasks.
PD Staff also conducted specific training for those participating in the Bismarck challenge. Within this period some PD Staff have deployed on Op TOSCA and Ladbroke Lion. Ladbroke Lion was a week-long battlefield study that took place in Sicily, Italy.
The next 12 months look great from an AT perspective with planned AT packages for Enduro Mountain Biking in Morzine, France and Ex Northern Scorpion Paddle that will see keen paddlers take to the rivers of France.
D Staff – (left to right) Cpl Skilling, SSgt Podmore and Cfn Cumming
SSgt (SSI) N Podmore RAPTC
SSgt (SSI) M Hanson RAPTC
It has been a challenging past 12 months here at 4 Scots. There have been many difficulties due to COVID restrictions. The Gymnasium team have done well managing PD and monitoring
the facility to ensure that soldiers adhere to the restrictions both on lessons and Gym usage.
The department has supported the many commitments and training serials that take place within the Battalion. These included the main Battalion deployment to Ukraine,
a section of Alpha company who
The team also helped organise the successful UK North Triathlon events supporting athletes based in the North and surrounding areas. The feedback received from the participants were positive and we cannot wait to host more of these events next season.
4 Scots’ Gym has also received some well overdue TLC in the form of a full interior redecoration. Giving the facility a fresh new lease of life. This may just attract the Jocks away from their cans of
deployed to Belize; the training wing with pre-cadres and Support Company with their preparation to deploy to Kosovo in April. Our department has also been busy training and preparing a number of potential PTIs, who have now successfully passed the course
Even though it’s been a challenging time, our department has been able to organise and host a handful of sporting events such as: Intercompany and Brigade BAWF competition, 4 Scots Junior Sports Day and UK North Cross- Country League Race 1.
Monster to come and train!
Both myself and the Gym 2IC, Cpl Oyuga have been busy representing the Battalion and the Army in Triathlon and Cross Country respectively. A truly successful year with some great results for both Army level athletes.
We look forward to a brighter 2022, where we can host more unrestricted physical and sporting events, support health and well-being and continue to develop infrastructure to benefit all our SP within 4 Scots.
The smiling assassin!
Cpl Oyuga – 4 Scots Gym 2IC
Another medal in the bag! SSgt Littlewood (left) and SSgt Hanson (right)