Page 53 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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   As COVID restrictions eased and AT could commence, the unit’s Support Squadron quickly began planning a type 2 multi- activity package. Exercise NORTHERN ADVENTUROUS ANT took place within the Lake District and saw 34 personnel partake in various activities throughout the week. In readiness for Cambrian Patrol, team members and additional personnel also engaged in some AT over the Yorkshire Three Peaks. This offered the Cambrian Patrol team access to arduous terrain within the local region through the medium of AT.
With a busy and arguably stressful time through the COVID climate for our unit population, the gymnasium staff wanted to promote the return to sport and healthy unit competition as soon as possible. The Commanding Officer’s Cup
was introduced and offered a variety of sports throughout the training year for Soldiers to train towards and compete in during sports afternoons. Events included football, volleyball, tug of war and orienteering to name a few. In addition to the sporting events, a march and shoot event was included which incorporated an obstacle course and loaded march element. This served as a great link to the RFT(S) build-up during the APTS specific block and received great feedback. The unit has also been engaging well in wider sporting competition wherever possible with some podium finishes across various competitions. 5 Medical Regiment continues to promote sport and strives to progress personnel as we move away from the COVID climate.
CO’s PT Competition
 Despite having only spent six months with the unit it quickly became apparent that 1 Military Intelligence Battalion (1 MI Bn) was a very busy organisation that required the
collaboration of multiple cap badges to sustain the Unit’s capability. 1 MI Bn is a small unit that is dispersed across numerous locations around the country. Due to the geographical challenges that face 1 MI Bn, the Unit takes every opportunity it can to host Bn concentrations to conduct training and to enhance cohesion. Over the previous twelve months the unit has provided civil support on Op RESCRIPT and deployed troops on Op PITTING providing analytical and processing support during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Bn was also the driving effort behind Op NEWCOMBE, which is a UN peacekeeping mission. Additionally, on a rotational basis the Unit provided further analytical support both on the UK mainland and in Cyprus. Looking forward, in the coming twelve months, 1 MI Bn will undergo a significant restructure due to Project EMBANKMENT.
In September 2021, 1 MI Bn deployed on Exercise GREEN VANGUARD which involved a three-day patrol-based event on Otterburn training area. The competition was tough, sections included rank ranges from WO2 – Pte, meaning there was plenty of experience on hand when challenged with military tasks. In particular, the simulated casualty extraction conducted towards the end of the exercise.
Additionally, during 2022, personnel from the Unit competed in the Royal Signals Lanyard Trophy which involved a 40-mile patrol across Otterburn training area whilst carrying 15kg. The Bn team finished the event in 8th place overall.
Cpl Merrill (AAPTI) during the Lanyard Trophy
I am due to leave the Bn in May 2022 and having served with the Unit it has provided challenges I had not experienced in previous roles. Due to the locations of many sub-units, PD assurance has its challenges, as does the sustainability of Unit readiness and PTIs whilst introducing the non-GCC RFT(S). However, conducting visits to the sub-units in a consultancy role has certainly been a welcomed change to the role of SSI PT.
SSgt (SSI) M Laker RAPTC
   SSgt (SSI) Laker with a section of exercising troops during Ex Green Van
1 MI Bn Lanyard Trophy Team

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