Page 7 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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To achieve this, we must adapt and change quickly, and during the next 12 months the headquarters, with its superb staff, will focus on four Lines of Effort (LoE); We need to be Workforce Ready as a capability. Mainstreamers, Exercise Rehabilitation Instructors, Adventurous Training Instructors are all intrinsically linked to holistic health and well-being, Lived Experience and the Army ‘Offer.’ Training Ready, to ensure we can adapt to the new demand signal, continue to educate our customer base into a culture which is mindset ready for what will become a more dispersed force, all of which has to be assured.
We must be Equipment Ready, by understanding the Deployable PT Equipment requirement, which is sustainable, supported by digital platforms to facilitate maintenance of physical training to the dispersed force, whilst not forgetting that the infrastructure in Firm Base must be optimised for the delivery of the Army Physical Training System.
Finally, we must be Forward Ready, understanding the operating envelope to ensure the PD capability is deployed forward, enabled to deliver at reach and that PD related activity is assured.
Each LoE will be critical if the human capability is to be enhanced to help achieve that strategic intent, and we, HQ RAPTC will hold ourselves to account on the aforementioned LoE to support what you will need to undertake, during that shift to meet the overall end state.
This will be achieved because our People have a unique skill set that will drive the delivery of FS at scale and pace. We have a unique team ethos and ‘can do’ attitude. With a professional focus on training for and being ready to deliver on operations
SMAA enjoying AT in Ballachulish
with adroit flexibility. Our military workforce is used to forming and contributing to diverse teams and actively mitigating risk and seizing opportunities to get the job done. Familiar with working under pressure and solving problems, driven by a strong sense of duty and service, a tenacious work ethic and unrelenting motivation to tackle complex to the most basic of tasks. Therefore, it is not unsurprising that the Corps continues to be appreciated and recognised for the work you do, amply demonstrated by the announcement on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2022 of two MBEs. Alongside this announcement, we had three Chief of the General Staff, two Commander Field Army, and three Commander Home Command Commendations, which is just outstanding.
In summary, it has been another exceptionally busy period, and I would like to conclude by offering my sincere gratitude to all our Association Members Serving and Retired, who have worked tirelessly hard throughout the year to meet the same common goal, which is to care, support and deliver, in lane, people focussed activity; thank you for your Service.
Ex SSgt (SSI) Bob Pearce (Army Gymnast)
Ihave many memories of Brown Gym (named after Colonel G.L Brown DSO, Inspector of Physical Training 1936-39). In the 50s, 60s and 70s, it was important to achieve/pass 1st,
2nd and 3rd Class Gymnastic Tests as a qualification. Therefore, Brown Gym was used for dedicated Army Gymnasts as an elite training centre. Many highly-skilled APTC gymnasts used the facilities on a daily basis after carrying out their duties. The standard of equipment was basic in those days and consisted of just a high bar, parallel bars, rings and pommel horse. The High Bar in the position it was situated, meant that many students lost grip and entered/flew through the famous green doors.
In “Lockdown” my mind strayed to all the wonderful times I had spent in Brown Gym in the company of so many skilful and talented gymnasts. So, I pondered and recreated a gym in my mind and, out of the blue, said to my wife, April, this needs resurrecting - I’m going to make a model of Brown Gym. I came up against a few stumbling blocks, but there was my brother, Jim, to help me. I spoke to the Curator of the Museum who was nearly as excited as I was. So, with the help of my brother, we set upon the task of making the miniature model of Brown Gym.
2 months later, project completed and myself, brother Jim and wife, April, handed our model over to the Museum. I was honoured that the ASPT Commanding Officer Lt Col (MAA) Chris Deed MBE RAPTC welcomed us and received our model which is now on display in the museum for all to see. Job done!!
P.S. Sore hands were an issue in those days - particularly if you had rope climbing in the next lesson!!
Bob & April Pearce, with brother Jim, presenting their Brown Gym Model
Brown Gym Model on Display