Page 8 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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A visit to Larkhill Both serving and retired Association members at the London Cenotaph
WO1 (Corps SM) D Southern-Naylor RAPTC
Iknow for many across our Corps, the last 12 months has been relentless. The easing of restrictions has brought with it the inevitable surge of sport, AT, PT, competitions, courses, health
matters and treatments all of which have an RAPTCI standing at the very core of their delivery. I know that everyone finds this rewarding and its what you transferred to do, but it isn’t lost on me just how hard everyone has had to work. You should all be extremely proud of everything that you have achieved and I’m sure the articles within this year’s MBS will be a fascinating insight into those achievements.
I assumed the appointment of Corps Sergeant Major in Apr 21, which meant my initial unit visits were conducted over Zoom. However, as Covid restrictions started to ease I was finally able to visit RAPTCIs in person. I find unit visits extremely rewarding because I get to see all that you are doing and understand how you are overcoming the many obstacles that you face. I am grateful for your time, honesty and suggestions of improvements and as a reminder, I am always available to talk on skype at any time and would be happy to visit you in your unit.
Throughout the year, as restrictions started to ease further it was great to see other events come back into the calendar, such as remembrance parades, ASPT passing out parades with guests,
sporting events and much more, all of which I am very proud to be a part of. I feel that the RAPTC remembrance video, a first for our Corps, was a huge success, remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and included Association members visiting their final resting places. Thank you to all Association members involved and to SSgt (SSI) Brimble RAPTC for creating the video. More to come for this year’s Remembrance.
A particular highlight from the last 12 months was the ability to hold Corps dinner nights. The Committees managed to organise two dinner nights in the RAPTC WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess, and for the first time in our Corps history a dinner night in the North. The format of the dinners and locations may have changed slightly but seeing so many RAPTCIs together, welcoming new instructors into the mess, inviting retired Association members back to the mess and importantly saying thank you to those who have served our Corps is a huge privilege. I cannot wait for the next dinner night and hope to see even more Association members there.
Thank you all once again for everything you do, your reputation across Defence is second to none. Enjoy looking through this year’s MBS and I look forward to seeing you at the Regional study periods, unit visits and Association Branch dinners.
SSgt (SSI) Jervis RAPTC at the resting place of CSMI Mitchell killed in 1917
Saying farewell and thank you to Capt Essam