Page 75 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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 It has been another busy year for 36 Engr Regt & QGE, whilst maintaining the commitment to regimental Operational taskings, such as Op NEWCOMBE, Op SHADER and Op RESCRIPT. In
addition, service personnel (SP) from both units have also deployed on numerous training delivery operations around the world. These training exercises gave SP the opportunity to utilise their trade training experience enhancing the infrastructure of locations around the world. These included Gibraltar, Mali, Iraq and Cyprus.
The unit was also heavily involved in supporting the NHS Vaccination programme. SP were tasked to assist NHS staff in various locations around London. This put 36 Engr Regt & QGE at the forefront of the pandemic showcasing their professionalism into the unknown. They were commended by all staff on their skills and conduct throughout the testing time.
Like most of the Armed Forces, this was once again an unsettling and disjointed start of the year, however this did not stop our personnel from conducting various in-house and external Physical Training events and taskings throughout the unit, Div & Brigade. During the ease of the second National Lockdown, there was chance for sub-units to be creative in various Commanding Officer leadership PT and trade training taskings, whilst also committing to Operational training and MATTs.
Spr Prajwol & Sgt Nagesh completing the AAPPS with a successful pass
Over the next 12 months the units look forward to combining new ideas on how we can move forward in our training, education, mental resilience and equality & diversity. This will be done through the implementation of leadership tasks, fitness competitions, Sport, AT, and role specific taskings. It’s also an exciting time for the RAPTC as we face new challenges coming out of the pandemic, putting into practise some lessons learnt.
36 Engr & QGE look forward to fully transitioning into the new Non-Ground Close Combat Role Fitness Test (Soldier), collating the unit statistics to make informed decisions on the strengths and weaknesses of our SP. This will enable us to be fitter, stronger, and ultimately better prepared for upcoming Operations. The unit has seen an uplift in PTE by HQ RC, this has ensured the unit’s SP have every opportunity to follow the APTS (S&C) in the best possible way. After a busy period, the unit was rewarded with some festive fun, this saw the return of the annual Christmas Fun Run.
It is credit to us as a Corps on how we have overcome the pandemic, creating innovative ideas and platforms to keep the Health & Wellbeing of our SP at the forefront of our minds. Being tested as coaches, leaders and mentors, cements our place in the heart of the units that we support. I look forward to being assigned in my new role as QMSI to 1 RSME, where new and exciting challenges await.
The return of the festive ‘Yule Log’!
SSgt (SSI) C Sharpe RAPTC
    AGC(SPS) personnel at the finish of the UK South Cross-Country
Gym Staff conducting CPD in preparation for attending MLT

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