Page 74 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 74

In October 2020 I arrived at Bicester Garrison to assume the appointment as the Garrison QMSI. In the Garrison there are 10 units and several Reserve units to which I provide PD support.
The Garrison only had two small gyms to facilitate the conduct of PT and the APTS. The Gym is used for over 2000 troops, which comprise of permanent regular based service personnel and individuals attending courses, including international students.
I was tasked by the Garrison Commander, Lt Col A Atherton RLC in June 2021 to design and deliver a new temporary facility that could accommodate all Garrison service personnel and open access to the dependants and the Civil servants on St George’s Barracks, meaning we have a facility for use by the whole force. In July 2021, Major M Barton RLC, the Garrison Quartermaster handed over to me hanger B2, which was a large facility, capable of meeting the vision of the Garrison Commander. Along with the Garrison Sergeant Major, WO1 K Poole RLC, who also acts as the Unit Fitness Training Officer to the Garrison, we came up with a plan and sought to realise the vision for this new project.
Along with the remainder of the army and during the height of Covid19, it was difficult to operate the gym due to governmental constraints and restrictions. Therefore, in my planning assumption for the delivery of this project and ensuring all personnel adhered to safer behaviours to protect themselves and others, such as wearing a face covering in most indoor public places and on public transport, letting fresh air in if you meet indoors and also getting tested. The new temporary facility proved to be big enough for all personnel to conduct PT on a minimum of three days a week. It now provided the opportunity to deliver the Army Physical Training System (APTS).
In September 2021 the hanger was completely emptied, and this allowed me to centralise all equipment into the hangar from the two small gymnasiums located elsewhere in the Garrison. The support for the move came from the AAPTIs and one of the garrison lodger units. By the end of October 2021, the new temporary gym was fully equipped and ready for all units to conduct PT on a regular basis, both as formed units and as individuals, which now enables the Garrison soldiers to be combat effective.
  Bicester Garrison’s new temporary gym facility
  Coming up to my 3rd year at AHQ we have seen a massive upscaling of PTE and many improvements throughout the gymnasium which has been greatly received by all users.
We have been lucky enough to purchase a considerable amount of MyZone belts, wearable technology which will be issued to each service person at AHQ. A brilliant initiative for a headquarters, especially for those WFH, as MyZone rewards all fitness levels and allows me to set sessions and connect with all users; it provides many avenues for accountability and rewards when goals are reached.
We have seen an increase in participation in PT as we get back to normal, the weekly PTP is busy and tries to cater for
all personnel at AHQ by allowing time slots to suit all. We also offer yoga and spinning sessions, which have been very popular here.
The gym team recently ran a health fair in the main headquarters building which was a huge success, delivering a broad mix of key health and wellbeing initiatives. The plan is to deliver the same in the main Field Army HQ’s building.
We look forward to moving out of a COVID-19 working environment and back to a normal routine. Our main efforts will include increasing fitness statistics, health fairs, challenge cup and much more AT whilst continuing to develop the facilities and providing PD support for all staff at Army Headquarters.
SSgt (SSI) L Bowen (RAPTC)

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