Page 72 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  All good things must come to an end. 3 Regt RLC is a logistics Unit based in Dalton Bks, Abingdon, with a main effort of providing a second line logistic capability at the stated readiness in order to meet 3 (UK) Division’s operational commitments. Within the Gymnasium we aim to deliver a physical training capability to 3 Regiment RLC in order to optimally prepare the Regiment for the physical demands of their role.
This year’s FOE has been surprisingly busy and demanding for the Regiment, with various Sub-Units being tasked to perform roles across the world. As a Unit, we have held the Lead Armoured Task Force (LATF), the Vanguard Armoured Infantry Brigade (VAIB), and UK Standby Battalion (UKSB), and have been at high readiness for essentially the entire year. Sub-Units have deployed on Op CABRIT, assisted with the Covid vaccination and testing effort, assisted with ambulance driving, and assisted with MACA tasks. All in all, 2021 culminated with a Unit validation exercise, Ex IRON VIPER, that saw the entire Regiment deploy for a number of weeks.
It hasn’t all been PT, Exercise and RFT(S) build up though, we still managed to squeeze in a couple of other events. On the return from Ex IRON VIPER, we managed to see the Xmas leave period in with a bit of fun. Prior to the leave period the Gym staff and I hosted a 3 Regt RLC Inter-Sqn Soap Box Derby. The aim was to encourage a bit of morale and team cohesion by having their Sqns construct a soap box and push their OC around a track in a ‘Le Mans’ style race. On 16 Feb 22, 3 Regt RLC hosted the RLC Cross Country Championships, this would be the last time we hosted the event so pulled out all the stops. The event saw circa 200 runners attend the race who were greeted at a central hub filled with various guest vendors such as a local coffee van, and a running coaching business. The event was a great success and even saw 3 Regt RLC come away with a good number of medals. On 2 Mar 22 we ran the ‘Lift Your Unit’ charity event which aimed to raise money for the Army Benevolent Fund. The goal was to lift the entire Units combined bodyweight in a single session, as a team or individuals, totalling 41520 kg. The lifts used to accumulate the weight were the bench press, squat, and deadlift. As a Unit we raised in excess of £300.
This year has not only been busy for the team and I in work, but my staff have achieved some incredible feats in their own time. Cpl Jack Halsey represented the Army in the London Marathon this year achieving a remarkable time of 2:42:16, his second sub-3hr marathon and finished 6th in the Army; LCpl Dale Kennedy ran his first half-marathon this year achieving a solid time of 1 hr 57 mins; and LCpl Lewis Singleton successfully completed the Cambrian Patrol as part of a 3 Regt RLC Team. As a team, we have also supported a local Army Cadets detachment by providing regular ‘PT’ lessons as a community engagement effort.
Here at 3 Regt RLC Gymnasium, innovation is very close to our heart. We are always consciously trying to think of ways to empower our soldiers to live healthier lives, have access to fitness, and become fitter, stronger, and faster. This year’s main
3 Regt Gym Staff
3 Regt Soap Box Derby under way
effort on this front is the roll out of our ‘Introduction to Strength Training Course’ which my team and I have spent the last few months conceptualising and designing. The course stems from the increased demands for attributes of strength in our Physical Employment Standards and aims to enhance the competence and confidence of our SP to start training or to train more effectively from a solid foundation of knowledge. The first few iterations of the course have been a great success and 100% of attendees stated they will train more under their own esteem and feel more empowered to do so.
Regardless of all the achievements, events, and successes this year, the Regiment unfortunately received some sad news towards the end of 2021. From the fallout of the Integrated Review, it was announced in Dec 21 that 3 Regt RLC would be disbanding in March 23. As a result, this article will be the penultimate MBS article for 3 Regt RLC, meaning that this coming year we will have to ensure we go out with a bang and send the Regiment off in style. It’s sad to see such a prestigious and accomplished Unit disband, but as the title says, all good things must come to an end.
SSgt (SSI) M Horrix RAPTC
     32 Sqn leading the way Cpl Halsey in the Cross-Country Champs 22 LCpl Kennedy delivering Strength & Conditioning

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