Page 71 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Command at 4th Battalion The RANGERS is exercised through a lightness of touch that is distinctive. It is underpinned by strong, confident and knowledgeable
leadership, combined with subtle yet sure control, which is designed to release potential. The mutual respect amongst Rangers means that there is ‘not the need to implement a ridged system of thinking amongst subordination.’ A simple example is they command “Attention” which is not used because it is assumed.
This form of leadership has been ever present during the current pandemic. The PD team transformed all PD outputs (policies, practices and procedures) beyond recognition. Numerous incentives have been added to the Bn’s daily battle rhythm which include a bespoke training facility, close integration with UK SF, guest speakers and tailored training packages that elicit exactly what and who the “thinking Ranger” really is. All cultivating to generate some of the many pillars of Human Performance.
Given the current COVID-19 pandemic and Bn commitments the 2021 / 2022 sporting season was focused around consolidating and recognising not only current but previous sporting achievements. Unlike their fellow competitors, challenging athletes from Bn must balance their training around an arduous military lifestyle and unexpected taskings, therefore concentrated and consistent training is sparse. For the most, competing just days after long overseas exercises and deployments is the norm.
Long distance triathlon, Ultra running events, cross country, MMA have all had award-winning results. All of which require exceptional physical fitness as well as incredible mental resilience – something that Rfn have in abundance. Yet, a number of special mentions must go to some of Bn’s key sporting figures that have dedicated themselves to their chosen sport for many, many years. Bn and Regimental Colours were awarded to Rugby, Water polo, Ultra-running and Paragliding. Of noticeable mention is Cpl Craggs Army Weightlifting Captain; Cpl Craggs regularly administers and competes in all events which are attended by upwards of 50 athletes.
In addition to the Bn’s individual sporting and Adventurous Training (AT) exploits, both large and small group packages have also been encouraged. This form of training is testament to the aims of AT. Overcome physical, psychological and emotional challenges during exposed/unfamiliar outdoor environments. Given the nature of the Bn this form of training is advantageous and again, encompasses exactly who 4RANGERS are. Agile, dynamic and daring. Several AT packages have been deployed to various AT centres across Europe to conduct downhill skiing, basic and extreme mountain bike packages, Skiing, Rock climbing and open boat canoeing.
The recognition of such prestigious performance and careers significantly marks the official beginning of what looks to be an exceptionally bright future for 4 RANGERS.
Yet again it has been an extremely busy year for 4 Regiment RLC. We have been heavily involved in various trawls as the UK Logistic Support Unit, acting as the go-to logistic unit for many COVID-19 related logistic taskings throughout the Nation. Since October we’ve been engaged in various taskings such as: Military Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA) tasks helping the Welsh Ambulance services, deployed all-round the UK helping the HGV drivers, supporting Op ESCALIN and SD Vaccinators.
Whilst the Regiment was extremely busy, we always make time for PT and Sport where myself and the 4 Regt gym staff organised a inter Unit - Station Festival of Sport event which was a great success.
60 (Close Support) Sqn QOGLR, with help from the Gym Staff, also held a charity event in support of the Hope for Hasti’ campaign, this included a 26-mile run split down between all Sqn’s which was led by Major Chris Brannigan.
On the sporting front, in mid-2021 when COVID Rules for Army Sport were slightly relaxed, Boxing became one of the busiest sports in the Army - with a lot of Regiments wanting their Boxing Events to happen. Having recently taken over the UK South Boxing Officials Secretary roll from WO2 (QMSI) Turner I knew I was in for a busy period.
With risk managed carefully by Regiments, Boxing was back up and running and we started our first show since COVID stopped boxing with 16 Regiment RA in November 2021.
Following on from 16 Regiment RA, there were a further three Boxing events that same month, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, Royal Armoured Corps and 5 Battalion REME. We then finished the year with the 5 Rifles Inter Company Boxing show.
In January 2022 there were a lot of people wanting to plan their Boxing events for March/April time this included three big events, the Royal Artillery Championships, the Royal Engineer’s Championships and the Royal Logistics Corps Championships. I currently have seven events pencilled in for March and a further three for April as well as my own Regimental Boxing evening which is taking place on the 24th March. A very busy year for UK South Boxing.
3 & 4 Regt RLC Gym Staff
SSgt (SSI) S Michaelson-Yeates RAPTC