Page 70 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  The new year has brought a busy period for 3 RANGER, with A Coy delivering the Ranger Assessment Cadre (RAC), B Coy moving into the training cycle, and C Coy starting the Ops Cycle. The Battalion saw a visit from General Officer Commanding 6th (UK) Division, during which personnel were awarded well deserved promotions, Long Service and Accumulated Campaign Service Medals. Commendations were given to SSgt Bowling and Sgt Bradley (HQ Coy AAPTI).
The main effort for SSgt Bowling was to support RAC 22-1, the initial cadre was a two-week assessment for prospective Rangers. The broad outline of which is an initial period of conceptual assessments including logical and verbal reasoning, international affairs, and cultural awareness, as well as the usual barrage of military tests. This was followed by Ex BREAKOUT - a four-day exercise in Sennybridge consisting of individual day and night navigation exercises, a team 36-hour standing patrol phase and a 36-hour patrols phase. On return to Elizabeth Barracks, candidates delivered a team backbrief on the events they had witnessed, and the information collected throughout the previous four days. The final assessment of the candidates’ suitability for a future career within the Ranger Regiment was an interview covering personal motivation and character, professional experience and understanding of the role.
Due to recent deployments to the Baltics, Poland, the Balkans, and Georgia, as well as escalating tensions within Ukraine, it is critical that the Ops Coy receives the appropriate level of Physical Training. It’s been an encouraging start for SSgt Bowling and the Battalion AAPTIs, something they’re all very proud of, ensuring that the training is tailored to the needs of those deploying.
SSgt Bowling has also ensured the redevelopment of existing gym infrastructure as well as the funding required to construct a secondary Strength and Conditioning facility within Elizabeth Barracks. It has been critical to be able to provide bespoke training to all Rangers, regardless of where they are in the operational cycle.
Sport is extremely limited and frequently overlooked within the Army Special Operations Brigade due to the highly demanding nature of life. SSgt Bowling on the other hand, has had the fortune to compete for the Battalion, Corps, Army, and UK Armed Forces in a variety of running events ranging from Cross Country to the London Marathon.
SSgt Bowling - Half Marathon
Moving forward, 3 RANGER will continue to support the RAC and All Arms Ranger Cadre, as well as develop the Robust Ranger Package alongside the Human Performance, which is currently in the early stages.
‘By All Means’ – The Ranger Regiment
SSgt (SSI) K Bowling RAPTC
   Ranger Assessment PT

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