Page 68 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 68
The majority of 2021 saw British Forces Brunei (BFB) ride through bumpy waves of pandemic in contrast to improved situation elsewhere. The output was severely affected due to the in-country imposed restrictions. However, adaptation to this situation was vital to fulfil operational requirement and sustain routine business. The start of 2022 felt the tail-end of the pandemic in Brunei with the help of rapid vaccination programme. 2RGR deployed a Coy under Op ICARUS to assist Brunei government’s swab testing and vaccination programme for 6-months that came to an end in February 2022.
The air travel was minimised to a single flight a month in and out of Brunei and BFB had to operate occasional MOD charter flights to meet movement demands. Incoming travellers had to serve fifteen days hotel quarantine, but this has now reduced to seven days from the beginning of 2022 and is still present at the time of writing. What this meant for PD was to provide PT equipment in the hotels and the isolation centre, conduct online zoom session and enforcing lone soldier PT throughout the year. During the bulk phase of pandemic, working from home was imposed. This period saw virtual PT sessions via zoom, mobilisation of lone soldier programme and promoting mental health via yoga sessions. Acclimatisation PT was a regular theme and a part of return-to- work programme.
During this TY, 2 RGR was busy in delivering key tasks. B Coy deployed to Ex PK in Australia, defence engagement to Papua New Guinea, Gurkha selection in Nepal, Junior Leadership Cadre, Ex ATAP hurdle (SF jungle selection) and OP ICARUS. Despite the challenges, many virtual competitions were organised to keep soldiers physically and mentally fit. Inter-Coy e-sport competitions that consisted of chess, FIFA, Pub-g were organised alongside 5
2 RGR return to playing sport
km run event. Non-contact and individual sports like badminton, squash paved the way for other team sports to reopen at the beginning of 2022.
As life starts to return back to normal, the delayed unit move between 2 RGR and 1 RGR is well underway to be completed by summer 2022. My time with one of the finest units in British Army comes to an end but leaves nothing but everlasting memories as I look forward to my next venture.
SSgt (SSI) B Gurung RAPTC
When I arrived at my new unit over two years ago it was always my intention to attempt to upgrade the fitness facilities on camp. The facilities around camp were very poor and it seems that every attempt to develop these has historically been prevented due to the uncertainty of a unit move and camp demolishment. Although the unit have plans to move to
Catterick in the next few years, there are plans for another unit to move in who would benefit from the new facilities. With thanks to Maj Dupree and his team who spent over £150k developing one of our PM hangers, we now have a world class training facility. I was also able to secure several other grants including a £12k Beaverfit rig and £3k worth of dumbbells to enhance the Regimental gym.
SSgt (SSI) R Chudley RAPTC
New fitness facility