Page 66 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 66

  Life at 77th Brigade (Bde) Headquarters certainly keeps you focused! Prior to arriving here, I spent two enjoyable but busy years at the Army School of Physical Training instructing the
next generation of RAPTCIs.
In the same manner as in my previous Field Force units, I had to get the Bde up to an acceptable standard for a Physical Development Audit within a month of arrival. In parallel, I was restructuring lessons and reorganising gym layouts to make sure everything was COVID-19 compliant, planning and conducting physical training without the support of All Arms Physical Training Instructors (AAPTIs), delivering our first ever virtual health fair, and so on. Because the Bde had been without an RAPTCI for over 7 months, I found myself quickly researching relevant information to fully understand how the Bde worked. I’m not sure if I will ever fully grasp it... It was a busy start to life in my new unit that was dynamic, exciting, and rewarding.
77 Brigade is a Hybrid Unit with elements of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, consisting of regular and reservists. The Brigade’s main focus is to challenge the difficulties of modern warfare using non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of the opposing forces and adversaries. The Groups (Sub-Units) manage and coordinate various Service Personnel deploying on exercises and Operations around the world at short notice, monitoring and evaluating the information environment. This targeted information activity and outreach contribute to the success of military objectives in support of Commanders, whilst reducing the cost in casualties and resources. This makes the role of delivering an effective physical training programme in line with the Army Physical Training System (APTS), conducting ITR testing and maintaining the FISS statistics very challenging. That said, my main focus was to drive the APTS and try to establish a strength and conditioning facility, not only for 77 Brigade, but for all the units within Hermitage Station. I struck ‘gold’ when I managed
to persuade the QM to let us convert one of two temporary shelters. Within a few months and with the help of Maj Dupree’s team, this shelter was converted to a fantastic S&C area as
well as the G7 Operational Readiness Wing.
During the first few months at 77 Brigade, I was elated to be introduced to the only AAPTI within the Unit, SSgt Mathew Martin, but that happiness was short lived when I found out that he deployed on a regular basis. Deployments that would take
SSgt Martin conducting acclimatisation training in Kentucky, USA, for members of Task Group and the Spec Inf
SSI Charles assisting on a friendly – Aldershot Town U23 v Bournemouth U23
him to countries such as the USA, Lebanon, Estonia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kenya and Jordan where he would continue to conduct physical training for those individuals who were detached with him. The frequency of these deployments has now increased due to elements of the Brigade, notably Task Group, being aligned to the new Ranger Regiments that deploy small groups worldwide supporting various Operations and Exercises.
Being the SME responsible for the promotion of sport within the station is a key role for obvious reasons and one that is satisfying in many ways. As a keen sportsman, and with Football in particular close to my heart, I was persuaded to come out of retirement for the second time...might be the third, (and because I was politely asked) to represent Hermitage Station in the UK South Football League. It was time to dust off the boots, dig out the gloves and get back in goals for what was going to be a remarkable season. Leading a team of young, inexperienced but skilful and fit individuals, we managed to navigate our way to the quarterfinals of the Army Minor Units Cup, the semi-finals of the UK South League Cup and for the first time in the Station’s history, we were crowned Central Division
One League winners!
Even though the workload can be challenging, from setting up RFT’s on your own at 0600 to organising AT packages and refereeing football, we are continuously developing and sharing best practice within the Bde and wider Army, all towards one common goal, maintaining the Operational Effectiveness of the
Army and being Fit to Fight!
SSgt (SSI) C Charles RAPTC

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