Page 64 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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to ensure that the Battalion maintained its fitness. This was fully embraced by the CoC as well as the soldiers and was delivered by a budding team of Army Reserve PTIs, including myself. At the end of this we were all in a better position as it had taken everyone out of their comfort zone, from which we all benefitted in some form from our time in front of the camera. Although I think our families would wish we did it some were else!
We then settled back into some sort of rhythm, our time in front of the camera came to an end and was quickly followed by another ATX, this time in not so glorious Otterburn. This exercise tested the Reserves including some attached regular sections up to and including company level attacks, which was achieved without issue and tested the resolve of all those that took part.
As an RAPTCI I have strived constantly to better what limited facilities are available within each of the 4 PWRR Army Reserve Centres (ARCs) and a bolstering of equipment was required, from work that had been on-going for some time the result came during this period with the Battalion receiving a large quantity of PTE courtesy of HQ Regional Command. This included the first instalment of performance lockers, which is a welcome addition to any Reserve space.
Moving forward, the busy times kept coming, with Pre deployment Training (PDT) for Op FIRIC (Falkland Islands), this was to cover the Regular unit that were due to finish in May and would test the Reserves yet again in several disciplines including shooting, Physical Training and patrolling across baron landscapes, hence the patrolling phase was set in Dartmoor, a place which mirrors the islands in both terrain and weather.
As part of the Physical training package, emphasis was put on building the company up to ensure that all mandated testing was completed, this build up was functionally effective ensuring that soldiers were prepared for both the Battalion Patrol Competition that was put in as well as for the South Atlantic tour. During this phase of the training, the regiment celebrated Sobrahon Day, a full day of socialising in Portsmouth, with guest speakers, followed by an evening with the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess gathering for a function within the depths of HMS Victory.
As I write this I am currently part of the last group of soldiers to attend the Quarantine facility in Welbeck College (QFAC) prior to my flight to the Falklands before some sort of normality. I have however now been informed that there has been an outbreak of COVID on the island and as such I wait to see what impact that has as we move forward into theatre.
Iarrived at 13 Air Assault Support Regiment (13 AASR) in September 2021 having served two years at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS). The contrast between RMAS and
13 AASR could not be greater, although both are challenging and equally rewarding. Unfortunately, the start to my tenure was not the smoothest due to having a slight mishap with a car whilst on my bike which resulted in multiple broken bones and 7 days in hospital. Although this was an extremely tough time for both myself and my family, the support, empathy and total professionalism the Regiment demonstrated over the coming weeks/months told me everything I needed to know about my new Regiment.
During an exceptionally busy 6 months, the Regiment has evolved through its persistent engagement and commitment to physical development. Often, RAPTCIs find themselves fighting a constant battle whilst trying to implement change - which no one generally wants or likes. My experience at 13 AASR has been the complete opposite. The Regiment’s receptive attitude to change and positive outlook on all things PD has been incredibly refreshing, as a result, my job is far less contentious. The APTS is in full swing, reconditioning PT has seen a face lift and general day-to-day processes have been improved/modernised. I’m sure we are all
Inter Sqn Boxing Finals
in agreement the magnitude of change regarding PD policy in the last 2 years has been monstrous, but the Regiment have taken it in their stride from the top down.
With COVID now behind us (hopefully), sport is well and truly back in full swing. Off the back of an extremely successful sports/health Fair, participation levels are at an all time high with both team and individual representation being competitive at all levels. Of note, the Inter Sqn Boxing Competition was an astounding success and marked the official beginning of what looks to be an exceptionally bright future for 13AASR Boxing Team.
We now switch our focus to Swift Response, with the Regiment supporting the 2nd Battalion the Parachute Regiment in North Macedonia, where my position will lie with facilitating the adventurous training element for 16X.
In summary, my first year with the Regiment has been challenging, fun and rewarding. I’m thoroughly looking forward to seeing what the next two years will bring.
SSgt (SSI) P Quinn RAPTC
Inter Sqn Boxing – Winning Sqn Team