Page 65 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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In late 2020, I was assigned to the Defence HUMINT Unit (DHU) at Chicksands, a unit about which I knew very little, particularly regarding its capability and output. Writing this article one year
on, and fully settled into the unit’s high-tempo battle rhythm, I can reveal that I have learnt a great deal about the importance of Tri- Service inter-operability. The old adage ‘every day’s a school day’ has never been a truer statement and is an integral part of being assigned to the DHU.
The DHU is a Tri-Service Intelligence Collection unit, sitting under the umbrella of UK Strategic Command, and provides intelligence reporting globally on behalf of Defence Intelligence. The core of the unit is derived from volunteers drawn from across the three Services to provide Defence Debriefing, Interrogation (Op METIS) and Agent Handling (Op SAMSON) capability. As you can imagine, much of the unit is either deployed, held at a high readiness level for operations, or is preparing to deploy, and consequently requires its workforce to uphold an elevated level of personal and vocational fitness. As such, the unit’s CoC understand the importance of human optimisation via the underpinning scientific research, and fully endorse APTS principles, which are now applied across the unit.
Like most unit’s across Defence, the DHU has operated at a relentless tempo this year, and this is unlikely to abate anytime soon. To mitigate against burn-out and offer a glimmer of respite,
CAD Image of DHU’s proposed S&C Facility
SSgt (SSI) A Ferreira RAPTC
Piscatores Hominum ‘Fishers of men’
AT is now being planned, along with the procurement of the unit’s own mountain bikes, and the potential for a new fitness facility awaiting ratification. From a physical development perspective, the future of DHU looks bright.
In closing I’m thoroughly enjoying my tenure here at the DHU as the RAPTCI, and I can honestly say it’s been a real privilege and pleasure working alongside some highly professional and passionate service personnel.
SSgt (SSI) R Harrison & Sgt (SI) S King RAPTC
During the month of Nov 21, SSgt Harrison organised the first Face-to-Face Unit Health Fair since 2019. It was very successful with many
compliments from external audiences and presenters.
We has reinvigorated sports in the form of setting up the Commanders Sports Parades on every 2nd Wednesday of the month. This has allowed personnel to integrate back into their beloved sports and begin to train and represent the Group. This year we have seen the Cricket team produce some fantastic results dominating teams within the midlands on countless games. The football team has been very active within their league, finishing second, and the Rugby team have had a frustrating season with teams cancelling matches on multiple occasions. The team was unfortunate to lose a highly contested game in the semi-finals of the Fern Cup against a strong RSME team.
Sgt King has been instrumental in delivering Olympic Weightlifting and S&C workshops throughout the UK, from Edinburgh to South Wales. Sgt King has been an integral part of the growth and development of
Olympic Weightlifting within the British Army and will host the first ever British Army Olympic Weightlifting Championships at 170 Infra Sp Gp, Chetwynd Barracks on the 6 Apr 22.
With the new working patterns emerging from the post-COVID restrictions, both RAPTCIs set up the Commanders Challenge. A Bi-annual fitness competition designed to increase morale, test team resilience and cohesion all whilst improving fitness levels across the Group. This has been extremely well met by the Group and the Commander who has praised the RAPTCIs for their forward thinking and proactive approach to Physical Fitness.
The introduction of the RFT(S) and SCR has been a welcomed challenge and the aspiration of re-focused physical drive and development within the Group. Both RAPTCIs have been busy delivering the MATT 2 tests to the outlying sub-unit stations across the country to good effect.