Page 78 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 78
could be down to many different variables, however what I am seeing is the overall health of the soldier has declined over the past two years and this directly affects their fitness. What the pandemic has taught us is that being unhealthy and overweight will make you more susceptible to illness. Moving forward we must use our time wisely to educate the soldiers not just on fitness but on health. Here on the island we are implementing monthly briefs which will tackle issues such as obesity, sleep, recovery, food choices and much more. We have also purchased an in-body machine which will allow us to take a deeper look at people metrics to help advise on how to improve.
It was the Sgts’ Mess’ turn to host the games night this year and as many of you know this then falls on the Corps Person. This time I thought I would change things up and do away with the Carols for the Officers to gain entry. This year, on arrival the officers were quickly rushed to the back door, given their costumes and lines and then they had 10 minutes to prepare themselves to act out a
play to all the Warrant Officers and Sgts. This is just another case of the RAPTC stepping forward and thinking outside of the box in support of their attached Unit.
What was important this year was to get AT back up and running. Over the past 3 weeks I have organised for 3 (UK) Div to travel to France and gain some Alpine experience. The idea of joining the Div together was to integrate the Units after a period of dispersal to get together, interact and build a bond. Overall, it was a successful 3 weeks and 54 personnel gained quals in SF1 & SF2.
What next? We have gained funding for a new S&C suite to be built in the old gym hall. The build starts this month and once completed it will allow us to really focus on developing our soldiers and improving their overall fitness and health.
Busy times ahead but I look forward to the challenges and representing the RAPTC to the highest standards.
Moving into my second year with the Grens I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. I find it refreshing to be working with a highly motivated unit. Like everyone else
I’m appreciating returning back to normality from a PD perspective.
For me personally I have run varied events such as Games nights within the Mess, P Coy block one courses, I have also taken on the Bn football team winning our first game against the Irish Guards 5-3. I deployed on an arduous freezing cold mountain warfare
course otherwise known as SF1&2 to Val Thorens. The whole Bn got the chance to go over a three- week period. I continue to enjoy my secretarial appointment running the Female Festival of Sport competition. The last event was a complete success with 8 all-female teams competing in sports that they wouldn’t necessarily have tried prior. We look forward to having more teams compete later in the year.
The next main effort over the foreseeable future is inter Coy Boxing, in preparation for the Household Comp later in the year. I set up a Boxing level 1 cse for the Bn and local units within our gym, and the ring now takes up 80% of our floor space. The aim is to run the prelims within our gym with the final’s night being ran at the Army boxing centre.
We begin to look forward and find ourselves engaging with an ever-growing FOE. Nevertheless, the Bn still finds time for PD. The Schedule is busy and demanding, I continue to embrace life within the Grens, it has been my pleasure to work with a very professional and motivated unit.
The Bn have now moved out of LONDIST and are now part of 4X. They have now moved into a period of training and are currently deployed on an FRX/ MRX in preparation for Op SHADER later in the year. Since the new year the main effort has been focused on their MATTs getting everyone up to date on the SCR and RFT(S). The fundamental art of loaded marching remains a key component of the training programme accompanied alongside the APTS. I have placed a lot of emphasis on S&C and have seen first-hand how this is having a positive effect across the whole Bn. The gym has been revamped with more kit and equipment over the last year, however we are also due to receive an S&C shelter that will hopefully be built by the summer.
As the RAPTCI I have found myself constantly tested working with 1GG and the Household division. There is always another event around the corner to focus on ranging from sports events, like athletics to pace sticking to Commanding Officers PT events on top of Bn traditions such as ‘hanging the brick’ which I can only compare to a mini riot within camp.
Tactical PT
Skiing in Val Thorens
Battalion Tab
Tactical PT