Page 79 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 79
Life as a SO3 continues to be challenging yet, for me, thoroughly rewarding. Prior to my start 3 years ago, it was described as constantly running on a treadmill, but you don’t control
the speed or gradient variation. They were not wrong. There’s always sprints, hill reps or even hill sprints to complete. Over the last 12 months there have been many changes throughout our HQ, none more noticeable than the resubordination from 3XX to Regional Command and the split from the Operational Command with 11 Signal Bde to purely be a Firmbase capability. Our key responsibilities haven’t changed much, the only workload dropped was PD direction and guidance to the units of what were once 11 Signal Bde which now come under 7 Signal Group.
It’s also a poignant place to formally recognise the support I received from this HQ and more notably the legend, WO2 (QMSI) Dean Foley RAPTC. The professionalism, loyalty and unwavering support he offered me during not only my 3 years in tenure, but to the RAPTCIs while I stepped away from the office in favour of an Ocean rowing boat was impeccable and will not be forgotten. I will look back on my time in the West Midlands with great memories, surrounded by great people. I wholeheartedly wish the HQ staff and all the RAPTCIs who have supported me in my tenure here, all the very best fortune as their careers progress.
The last 12 months has seen the return of sports across the Midlands and the creeping in of relevant engagement activities. As we put pen to paper, we are finding ourselves inundated for supporting roles in preparation for the Commonwealth Game 2022 which will be held in Birmingham. The first was to drop our UK Midlands Athletics event into the newly built Alexander Stadium, an opportunity we were keen to support and create a legacy for the future. This event allowed Birmingham City Council to handover the stadium to the organising committee of the Commonwealth Games with a safety certificate due to the crowds and supporters we encouraged along to cheer on our athletes. The day was closed in style by the Red Devils Parachute Display Team as they came in fast from the sky to close the ceremony.
The last engagement activity before we draw stumps on this year’s events was a formal evening at Birmingham University with a Queens’ Platinum Jubilee Tattoo. This included Army stands within the grounds, timed cadet gun runs and Armed Forces bands. This evening created another occasion to firm up the recent community bonds that we had developed with the Athletics event as we move into a huge year for the city of Birmingham and indeed the West Midlands supporting the Commonwealth Games 2022. After the celebrations had concluded outside there was a splendid formal function with canapes, drinks and a good source of networking for the busy year ahead.
Seven years have now elapsed in post as the QMSI PD for HQ West Midlands, and it is at this time for Capt (MAA) Pollock RAPTC who has been in post for three years to move on, later this year. I will be genuinely gutted to see him go. I wish him, Anna, and the family the absolute best for the future. The time has just flown past which is very scary. In honesty, this is a brilliant and highly rewarding position, albeit very busy and challenging in terms of the many outputs we deliver, to add to this year’s list the appointment of VLO for Sandwell Aquatics stadium for the Commonwealth Games.
We have 24 very talented and motivated RAPTCIs, both Regular and Reserve, and an abundance of AAPTIs that deliver first class
Capt (MAA) S Pollock & WO2 (QMSI) D Foley RAPTC in the Great Hall in Birmingham City University
Capt (MAA) S Pollock RAPTC - SO3 PD
Red Devils coming into the stadium
UK Athletics Competition Test Event of Alexander Stadium for the CWG 22