Page 82 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 82
This is my final year at the mighty 30th Signal Regiment and it has been an incredible journey with massive Physical Training Equipment (PTE) upscaling and improvements throughout the P&RTC and PD world.
It has been another frustrating year with COVID, but PT and PD has cracked on to a very high standard. Again, with thanks to HQ Regional Command, we have had another big surge in regard to Physical Training Equipment (PTE), which has helped drive PT forwards.
30th Signal Regt is renowned for being an extremely busy, but successful operational unit, also known as the Globetrotters. Already in my tenure the five various Sqns have deployed to the Middle East, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, US, Brunei, Cyprus, Gibraltar, China, Mali, Nigeria and the list goes on. The Regiment also has a very high readiness alert state and troops are on either 4, 8 or 12 hours’ notice to move. To that end, it is sometimes quite difficult to capture all Sqns, especially during Programme THOR, where it is even more important to coach Strength and Conditioning (S&C) in a safe and controlled manner. However, now Sqns can deploy with a Battle Box when going on exercise which includes S&C PTE.
Another big event that happened as part of a change to MATT 2 was the introduction of the Role Fitness Tests (Soldier) (RFT(S)) and the finish of the Annual Fitness Test (AFT). To that end, we received a procurement of RFT (S) equipment and the Physical Trg Programme had to change to compensate for this. The RFT (S) has proved to be a big hit with the Regiment who have high pass rates and also have positive engagement with the Test.
The swimming Pool has also received funding and had new windows installed, new cladding and a new Pool cover. All of which has been beneficial as the Regiment conducts Weak/Non swimmer courses and also hosts the Royal Signals Swimming and Water Polo Championships.
We have also had several Service Personnel (SP) who have completed the AAPTI course, as well as the new Physical Training Leader (PTL) Course. This has massively helped support Sqn and Regimental PT.
30th Signal Regiment also hosted the prestigious Bde Festival of Sports (FoS). This was very pleasing as this was the first FoS hosted for almost 2 years. Ten Sports were played ranging from Tug of War, Concept 2 Rowing, BAWF and lots of other traditional sports. Many thanks to all the RAPTCIs and AAPTIs that supported the event. Over 300 service personnel attended the event which was a great success and was won by 22 Sig Regt and RCDM.
Despite COVID-19, the Regt has also managed to be active on Adventurous Training (AT). This included expeditions in Italy, Scotland, France and Capel Curig. There are plans to go skiing and mountaineering in Italy as well as other adventures being planned by our UATO, Capt Calvert. Despite the restrictions there have been
Simulated Casualty Drag during RFT(S)
SSgt (SSI) A Brown RAPTC
The refurbished swimming pool
plenty of chances to carry out AT over a widespread area.
The Regiment are also very
keen on their sports and have
had sporting success during
2020/2021, where they received
the prestigious Bertwistle
Pennant Trophy. This was
received due to the Regiment
competing and winning a
lot of sports including Tug of
War, Athletics, Football and
X-Country. The Regiment are
currently in the Top Ten in the Army Sports Trophy Competition.
In closing, I feel very honoured and lucky to be posted to a hardworking, diligent and active unit. Not only is the Regiment embracing Programme THOR; they are also happy with adapting their training methods and with the big changes that have occurred in the Physical Training Programme, they are relishing the new holistic approach to training. The Regiment are at the forefront of Sport and AT and are adaptable in terms of rehabilitation and reconditioning. To that end, I feel very proud to be serving at 30th Signal Regiment and I will leave this year with happy memories and return to Rehab with a posting to Northern Ireland in July 22.
Some of the new PTE
Members of 30 Sig Regt Participate in AT