Page 84 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  Post pandemic the Regiment found itself moving into a state of unknown territory. A host of changes at command level saw an almost unrecognisable Regiment on firmly returning from
“Working from Home”. Adaptability of the Force Health Protection instruction was key to success, ensuring Physical Training was delivered in a safe and effective manner, resetting from the ground up, ready for the imminent transition to the RFT(S) and Regimental Commitments.
I was shocked how quickly Regimental personnel adapted to new personalities and surroundings, firmly executing their main effort very successfully on Ex LOYAL LEDA in support of ARRC Sp Bn. The Regiment deploy to various locations across Europe enabling COMARRC and his staff to exercise command and control over assigned forces 24/7 at home and on deployment. Standing commitments such as Op SHADER, BATUK, Op ESCALIN and Op TEMPERER still endure. The need to adapt and improvise quickly has never been so crucial than the last 12-months in post.
Ongoing work to improve the PD facilities within MOD Stafford station have quickly become reality. We are very fortunate to have three Gymnasiums on Station and with purse strings tighter than two coats of paint, we still managed to implement some good work between the Gym Staff. “Gym 2” was completely revamped into a fantastic S&C facility; new integrated sound systems and CCTV have made the facility fit for the current climate. The 24hr Fitness suite saw a new floor, mirrors and a smart phone Fob access system installed. All-in-all some good work has been done by all concerned and alongside the fairly new Main Gym facility there aren’t many excuses for troops to be unfit on camp, however.......
The Regiment has had a very successful year on the sporting front. Once again, I have been hugely impressed by the level of dedication and enthusiasm alongside a hectic FoE. The most notable success came on the cricket pitch as the Regiment won
the Army Cricket trophy for the first time in their history!! Further successes included UK Midlands Festival of Sport winners, R Signals Swimming Champions, Army Powerlifting winners in both Male and Female categories, Soldier 30/30 winners (breaking the previous record) and a Taekwondo Gold medallist!! Lots of runner up medals and trophies have also been received. The Officers and soldiers of the Regiment should be commended for their outstanding effort this year, it has been a pleasure being surrounded by such motivated sportsmen and women!!
As my time at the Regiment draws to a close, I will look back at my time here in Stafford with great fondness. It’s been a fantastic 3 Years!! Two COs, four RSMs, three 2ICs and a pandemic later, it’s safe to say the last three years have been the biggest learning curve both personally and professionally for me. I’d like to give special mentions to WO2 Ash Stoby for introducing me to the game of squash, as the court was the only place I could find him. SSgt Craig “Coach” Carter quite possibly the tightest man in the Corps for his “Fort Boyard” standard of building security, no keys or resistance bands were lost during the making of this article. WO2 “Deano” Gledhill; he came, he saw, I smashed him up at Oktoberfest......and he left.... a legend of a man!! Then in popped SSgt “retired for 10 years Airborne warrior” Irving. He walked in with his wise words of wisdom and maroon pyjamas on, full of knowledge and experience who I learnt some valuable life lessons from. Then in ran SSgt Andy “10k Champ” Briggs, one of the nicest blokes you will meet. I know more about X-Country and Running gaits than I did before!! Without all these legends in the offices next door my time here would certainly not have been as enjoyable. I learnt a lot from each and every one of you, so for that Gents, I thank you!! Finally, special recognition should go to Mary the cleaner, the true QMSI of MOD Stafford Gymnasium, supplying the staff with endless cakes and buns and keeping us all in check.
SSgt (SSI) L Potter RAPTC
  The new gym facilities

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